Ownership simply means that they will cherish it, protect it and grow it.
There are going to be a lot of people who think they are entitled to a future that will be sorely disappointed when they find out, the future needs to be built first. Perhaps too many think that "the young are the future" statements mean that everything will always be provided for them.
Yeah and agreed. There are so many that are blinded to the future.
But in all things there are always hope.
Illiteracy plagues our country and with the powers that be dropping the school pass mark for exams to 30% the future seems to be very dark.
What are we going to do with people that don't know 70% of their work?
At the end of the year the politicians proudly crow about 100% pass rates at schools. With 30%???
My time was surely wasted at school and I can only hope that there would be many that will keep on educating themselves in real life after school.