Prospecting and Mining for Crypto

in LeoFinance3 years ago

There is definitely an air of excitement building at the moment on Hive and I feel that many have expectations about the near future being pretty rewarding. It seems there is a confluence of streams for quite a number, where their various activities over the last however long they have been in crypto are coming to a head and the dam is about to have its banks broken, and an ocean of possibility is just on the other side.


I wonder how many people owe their future to Hive in some way. I suspect many. I know I do.

While "mining" is a common enough term in crypto, I think a lot of people forget that there is a stage before that is vital to the process. Prospecting. I think this is an apt thing to consider, as it speaks at various levels of possibility, whether it be the finding of potential resources, the evaluation of conditions, the building of the mental imagery, the anticipation and expectation of the future and of course, a candidate for a position. All of these things speak of the prework involved before getting to an outcome, like a geologist looking for a new sire for a potential well, or panning in a river for signs of gold.

Looking at a project's potential is very much like prospecting and while tokens might be mined in different ways, the drilling process is the same - it takes participation. When there is a goldrush, everyone wants to grab a pan, which is why so many people end up buying high, as they are compelled by the movement of the crowd and just do as they are led. A lot of people in the near future are going to get their first taste of crypto investment through the traditional financial institutions they already use, but how long will it be until people start "striking out" on their own and prospecting for themselves.

While most may not, I suspect that given the current economic climate and the changing of investment culture and risk profile (especially in the young), there are going to be more people who will dive headlong into crypto and see what they can find. I believe that while currently people think researching fundamentals is working out which meme coin is going to pump, I believe that savvy investors are coming and they are actually going to want to unearth real value potential, where long veins of gold and deep wells reside.

As I and many others have realized and said, the future isn't in buy token and sell token value, it is in usecase, usage and longevity of project. This means that business development will increase and the prospectors are going to be looking for value to mine, by investing into owning stake in the fundamentals, not just the currency of it. This means having stake in the infrastructure that helps enable the token to hold and fluctuate in price.

I think this is where the future of decentralized investment is going to push, as it allows a wide cross-section of the global population to become investors across distributed global points. This means that rather than the localized and often nationalized view of the economy, we are all tied together economically and visibly. This breaks down the borders that government erects and joins people to people, rather than just being driven by political agenda. I think we can observe this on Hive already, where nationality, race and religion are barely even acknowledged, other than how they pertain to the global economic environment we are trying to improve.

Looking at it from a prospecting perspective, just think about how the natural resources of the world have been distributed and used and recognize the role it has played in the division we have in the world today. Some of the most resource rich areas in the world have systematically had their wealth commandeered and leveraged, leaving nothing but scraps for the majority of people. While a few corrupt and the governments and corporations involved get enormously wealthy, the local people live in poverty.

The thing is that being physical, natural resources have a location and therefore there are all kinds of ways to attack or protect resources. Once this moves digitally and the potential "mines" do not care who is mining, things change from location-based to usage-based value streams. A person doesn't have to be breaking rocks with a pickaxe in the mountains or building an oilrig out at sea, they can participate in multiple ways from wherever they happen to be.

For example, the other day I was waiting for my wife outside her workplace - voted for a post I was reading, adjusted some Splinterlands rentals and played a couple of rounds - that earned me around the cost of fuel for the trip. But, that doesn't go to fuel, it will go to investing back into crypto projects of one kind or another.

What this means is that while I am prospecting, I am also mining and the resources I extract get used to push back into other potential mines. These mines are owned and utilized by other people doing what I am, meaning that there is a circular economic process of extracting, investing, building, prospecting, attracting and extracting resources again. More and more, people "in crypto" are going to increasingly stay in crypto and participate throughout the economy at all levels of the crypto supply chain, generating wealth for themselves whilst helping others who generate value to build wealth too.

The complexity of this economy is actually simpler than the legacy it will replace and has the potential to be far healthier as there is a great deal more visibility on the dynamics in play. Plus, with so much automation cutting out middlemen services, more wealth can be distributed between investors and the market creators, meaning a larger amount of the mine being reinvested by users, not just collected by a few centralized miners and the investors who back them.

I believe that this decentralized system of ownership and distribution is not only key to protecting the system itself and the innovation to come, but is actually the driving force behind the wealth generation mechanics, as it encourages participation from everyone. This might lead to less "high peaks" of wealth, but the real living standards and wealth at a world level will increasingly improve so that value is held more evenly through the entire global population. What this may mean is that while nations fight each other for economic dominance of the other, the average human is actually connecting a collaborating to build relationships that make the borders they fight over, irrelevant.

From now on, we are all prospectors looking for value and there is no limit to the crypto mines available. We need to stop thinking about resource scarcity as a physical limitation based on location, and start realizing that it is about usage and attention. The attention economy thus far has been used to sell products by the centralized platforms, but the coming value is going to be based on whether the average person is willing to buy the business itself, not just the product. The first question to ask before investing will be, can I use it?

Will others?

No matter what course the economy takes, value is always going to be driven by supply and demand. In crypto, supply is not a problem, as the resources are unlimited and very cheap to create. What the challenge is going to be for all potential mines is, Do people want what we offer?

There is demand based on hype, and there is demand based on usage.
Hype never lasts.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The expectation been on hive is to get more valuable rewards in the future so as to invest more on crypto and future purposes. But the main thing for such idea is to continue to make the platform grow not just for the reward but for the better improvement of the blockchain.

And this also includes the social aspect. The rewards will come with it by co-operating and working together (supporting each other).

That's true communicating with one another which will definitely make here a better place to be and also helping each other as well.

Better improvement of the blockchain comes in many forms and I think we are starting to see more people branch out to generate a wider range of values.

Yesterday i read a statement from former presidential candidate of USA Mrs Hilary Clinton that Crypto Destablize the Dollar Reserve Currency.
It is ridiculous in itself because Billion Dollar in printing is the one Destablize the reserve currency as Inflation getting high every year.
Crypto has nothing to relate with Dollar bill because in near future we deal the economy in Crypto more than usual where limited supply of the coins will be fixed the inflation and Dollar bills will remain stablized.

Yesterday i read a statement from former presidential candidate of USA Mrs Hilary Clinton that Crypto Destablize the Dollar Reserve Currency.

But crypto is a scam and has no value!!
What does that say about the Dollar?

Great points.

I'm a firm believer that all the development that's going on Hive will eventually create an infinity of use cases for the base token and 2nd layer tokens. That's very obvious to me right now but it wasn't when I first joined Hive. I really joined Hive because I thought I could earn some side money to spend on stuff I wanted but didn't really need but now I see it's so much more than that.

I've seen others say this and I couldn't agree more: "I came for the money and stayed for the community."

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep. it is brilliant how the base token can be worth less than the second-layers, yet still enable them. The price of HIVE will build though, as the projects build upon it.

That's very obvious to me right now but it wasn't when I first joined Hive.

It seems to take a while for all the possibilities to ink in. It took me ages.

It takes a while for users to figure out that it is not a game of exchanging tokens but to get immersed into these projects and make that your primary place to engage, invest, finance and do everything. It took me a while to figure out to think that I may be investing in something that will reward me for the long term.

Invest into what you use, know and are willing to build upon :)

Certainly we have a lot of expectations for Hive, but most of them are not just wishes or dreams, but rather these expectations are based on a sound foundation, as we see Hive developing day after day and attracting many users after a day. We are just waiting for the media momentum to launch to the moon.

Posted via

I think more people are starting to understand the potential here - though let's see how many still hold firm in the bear markets :)

Oh yeah) the bear market will show who really understands the depth of Hive and their place in it!

I think that one of the crazy things you and I as well as many others will have to do in the future is utilize a VPN to connect to the internet and do what we want on hive and other places. When the legacy economy realizes that they have lost, they will do what they always do and turn to strong arming people through legislation and their friends in other companies like telecom and internet. Not looking forward to that day!

With there being so many different ways to earn money and have income streams, there’s going to be so many people pissed that we have taken our own steps to economic independence. The greedy rich don’t like when the peasants get up in their value. I think it will definitely be an interesting next couple of years! If anything is evident is that they will fight tooth and nail to try and prevent us from doing the awesome stuff we are doing with places like hive!

Off topic but I keep forgetting to show you this but a few months ago I stopped at a cool place and saw this sign. Thought of you over in fun land! Lol little far away!


I think that one of the crazy things you and I as well as many others will have to do in the future is utilize a VPN to connect to the internet and do what we want on hive and other places.

Many do it now. There will always be new innovations for this - thankfully. I also see that the setting up of independent networks will happen more too. How many will end up launching their own satellites I wonder.

The next few years are going to be interesting and likely, lead to some level of violence. I suspect some countries will follow China and my rule of thumb is, if a country follows China, they aren't doing it to help their citizens.

Only 7000 km. When are you going to visit? :D

wonderful post and the idea of prospecting! Feels like it will become a cycle one day when demand based on usage happens to stay.

initially did not think of hive as a project but as a way to earn. Was also unsure about the potential and possibilities but hey I thought why not just give it a shot? So there I ventured, doing researches and feeling doubtful and wondering if it might be something I might regret in future. However, the more I see, the more I interact and the more I start to think about the endless possibilities that hive gives. It's wonderful how hive's community has taught me so much about this whole new world that I just ventured into and let's just say stepping into the hive community via splinterlands was one of the best thing I have ever done! Really glad that my old self persevered through the struggles and doubts for me to be here and thankful for today.

initially did not think of hive as a project but as a way to earn.

Most are the same when they arrive - but those who end up doing the best here in general, are those who take broad approach to the platform and remain consistently building.

It's wonderful how hive's community has taught me so much about this whole new world that I just ventured into and let's just say stepping into the hive community via splinterlands was one of the best thing I have ever done!

It is brilliant seeing people filter through SL and into Hive and other aspects of the blockchain. It is hopefully going to all become part of a sprawling home for many-

I only got into Splinterlands about 6 months ago - but I "probably2 should have got involved when it was first released, or any of the other one million times people urged me to buy - I just am not much of a gamer anymore - so stayed away.

I'm actually quite surprised and curious how there are so many people knowing about splinterlands including the people around them because I never knew that splinterlands existed until I started researching about play2earn during my free time. Maybe it's the country that y'all are staying in that has more influence and touches more on crypto but I would say I am very ignorant about the concept of blockchain before this year. I guess I can quote I "learn something new everyday" hahaha.
Well, I guess I can also say I probably2 should have gotten involved by researching earlier about the prospects of play2earn when my friend first introduced to me about blockchain last year(2020). Maybe I could have played more splinterlands during my holidays as compared to now where they implemented new things that really made it harder for new players and I currently do not have much free time as before... I guess it's all about the fomo for me but I mean I made it here so all's cool

Always the first question on most peoples lips is what is in it for me?

In this day and age with blockchain should be is it a good project, can I invest in the project to assist building into becoming a greater entity for all to enjoy.

Invested in Hive!

@tipu curate

Always the first question on most peoples lips is what is in it for me?

This is a bad approach on Hive. Many people focus on individual growth instead of on collective growth. People should support each other, and everyone would be successful on this platform. This platform would thrive.

Blockchain monetary, I original thought was similar to a Universal Basic Income, sharing equity to everyone. This made me extremely exited in 2015 thinking of where I live how this would assist in shaping many lives.

Alas governments have become involved, very few places where I live offer exchange in crypto, always looking for ways to be inclusive rather than hoarding, after all we cannot take any currency when we dead and gone.

Hive is one of the few I have seen where the true value has been placed in making it a platform to invest and grow, sharing into charity, or assisting members throughout the world.

Mindset has to change, sad but true it is a world of rich or poor everywhere.

The question is there, but if only looking to maximize the self, it isn't likely to be overly effective. It is about collaboration and mutual support (in many ways) that builds the community. What you will find, is that the people who complain the most about the way things work here, don't do much in way of supporting others.

I think the question is still there - but is followed by "How do we generate value together?"

At the start up it looked a lot easier, now implementing with rigorous rulings coming out of the woodwork, everyone wanting a bit of the pie it will take longer.

Much is/has happened, I must go doing more research again soon.

Have a great day and greetings to family in Finland.

You can actually see it happening already with Hive, people are starting to think twice around giving it a go for a living especially the early monster card holders and I can see Leofinance going the same way. I haven't seen it around many more crypto worlds with the exception of the trading community that converse on Twitter. I think professional gaming will be a major player soon where crypto has a usercase. I had to laugh when you said you had a few games of Splinterlands while waiting for your wife. My wife would be saying "he's out in his car playing with his monsters again". Hive wife's are saints.

I know many who have the potential to live off SL (especially) completely and many who are able to earn a living wage by renting or being a jockey for a deck. It is amazing.

Hive wife's are saints.

Or just playing the even longer game! :D

Decentralization has taken over the mission of the globalism which was not succesful to reailze its aims, I think. We are real free, have no border and can generate our future on decentralization.

I think globalization has been successful at eroding borders - unfortunately only for a handful of corporations so that they can generate and retain even more wealth for a few.

I am currently prospecting a little project known as

Might take off soon!

I didn't know that was still going. Has been quiet for a while around here.

Or Helium PoC ( proof of coverage ) mining?

For example, the other day I was waiting for my wife outside her workplace - voted for a post I was reading, adjusted some Splinterlands rentals…

I assume you did it via phone, but curious about how you manage your rentals with that. I downloaded the mobile app, but that has a shortage on this feature. Using the browser and even keychain app for peakmonsters asks for my keys, i find it a bit complicated using my private keys for this kind of logins in case i just want to make some quick adjustments. Could you give any kind of tips how to manage it easily, via phone?

I login with Hivesigner. I use Lastpass as keystorer.

Also, you can download keychain for mobile and use the browser from there.

nothing is really "handy" from the phone, but a lot is possible. :)

Thank you for the quick reply :)

Well i downloaded the keychain app but within that the peakmonsters ask for password by hivesinger, i hoped the keychain app will handle it without further needs…
I also downloaded the lastpass, will set up later…
Indeed it’s not so handy, but sometime it could be good to handle everything via phone…

Thanks again! :))

You need to set up your keychain passwords and then every app that uses it will sign in.

@tarazkp I agree with you supply is not a problem but demand will decide everything and no blockchain have better use cases and demand then hive blockchain and hive coin

Let's see how it all shakes out over the next few years :)

I don't know how but it's definitely going to happen

We are still only at approx. 4% of tge population owning Cryptocurrency of some sort, so there is unbelievable potential for growth. NFTs, Web 3.0 games etc will accelerate this process and in ten years people will look back and class all of us as very lucky to have been involved so early. It's exciting times.

Yes, it is. That's why I keep telling my acquaintances: Crypto is the future. Take a closer look at blockchain, even if you are passing by for now...

muy cierto, el boom del momento sube en nivel de euforia y muchos se lanzan a invertir sin evaluar a larga que tan viable es el proyecto. otra pregunta a hacerse ¿Obtendrá estabilidad, solo son fluctuaciones ?

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 18

Have you noticed it feels different around here? I can feel that positive energy and it feels good. Can you feel it, or is it just me?

Must be what they put in the water at the HiveFest. ;)