Lucky I got out

in LeoFinance3 years ago

21 million BITCOIN, 55 million Millionaires, 7.9 billion People.

How much Bitcoin do you hold?

Well, I am not telling either - but it is more than a Satoshi and less than the Satoshi.

Glad I could clear that up.

Lucky bastard?

What makes me consider this at times is just how lucky I am or, how unlucky I am if this all comes crashing down around us. What I mean is there are companies like Tesla who own 43,200 of these useless things that will never amount to anything, but they have one BTC for about every 13,000,000 of their 587 billion in market capitalization. Since Bitcoin is currently 33,000 dollars each, the "risk" they took wasn't exactly large, and they are still up.

However, while Bitcoin might be somewhat of a dinosaur in some respects, if crypto is going to mainstream, it is a likely candidate to do so first and if there is going to be a run on Bitcoin by people who actually want to hold and control it, not just pretend, there is likely to one day be a very large run on it. A market capitalization of 600 billion dollars is a tiny drop in the financial oceans, but for those who have diligently stacking a little BTC, they may very well end up in a different tier of car or house.

It is going to be a long way up the ladder for me to become "filthy rich", not that I predict myself to ever by filthy. However, does it matter if it is a long time until drinks?

In and out

Reading an article from Australia, they said that 3.3 million Australians owned crypto and,

Research from online financial brokers Savvy found 15 per cent of Aussies had invested up to $5000 in cryptocurrency, 2.5 per cent had thrown in $5000 to $10,000, while 1 per cent went wild with an injection of $10,000 to $20,000.

However, while 15% supposedly own crypto, only 9% own Bitcoin. This could be because a third of the respondents to the survey stated that they bought crypto to make money fast.

The age old reason.

People are quite interesting when it comes to the desire to make money, as it is never fast enough, nor high enough. Also, it can never be easy enough either. So many people seem to think that crypto will give them the workless wealth they dream of, without realizing that it still needs to be invested into to a significant enough level that when it does hit the mainstream economy, it makes a difference.

Quick, you have enough?

I wonder, if Bitcoin (and only Bitcoin) was to go to 1 million dollars today, how many people would be millionaires from it? Technically, there can only be a maximum of 21,000,000 at that price level, at least for those who hold their own keys....

But, if there are over 2 million Bitcoin holders in Australia alone, I suspect that there aren't that many of them who have the coveted "1 BTC" in a wallet somewhere. In reality, it actually isn't that much money, but it is a fair amount for something that may have no value whatsoever.

But, if it does generate value in the coming years, I wonder what all of those little amounts are going to add up to all over the world and, I wonder what all of these people are going to do with it locally.

This is of course not to mention all of the secondary tokens out there that are going to be offering usecase and generating value over the coming years, but most people can't wait for that.

Slow and rough

As said, I consider myself lucky, as while I don't have a massive stack of tokens, I also have a couple jobs so that I don't need to use them to live and, I can also find a few ways to add to the stack over time, This means that I can explore the industry and even take some risks, without having to have a time limit on when I need to get out. Sure, it would be great if my value went 10x this year or even better, 20x - but if it doesn't and I have to wait another 4 years, what does it matter?

Four years from now I will be 46 years of age, which isn't exactly "deathbed" yet, despite what the young might think. In fact, it is probably a pretty good age to have some financial success, as I will hopefully already have done most of the task to get my economic life on track, become largely self-sufficient and have a good understanding of where value comes from, because I have worked for it in a thousand ways, so I am less likely to lose it stupidly.

Will you make it?

Some people think it is stupid not to get out to fiat, I think it is stupid not to be in crypto. A few weeks ago I was thinking that perhaps I wouldn't be able to survive another four years grinding, but who am I kidding, of course I can.

In fact, I am looking forward to it because as much as an easy financial life would be welcome, there are also the other things to consider, like participating in something a person considers important. Crypto is far more than a get-rich-quick scheme, it is a global movement that threatens to change the way we organize ourselves and what we value as individuals and groups. For me, it is rewarding to be part of the industry, to spend time thinking and talking about it and of course, increasingly using components of it to bring value to my life.

Weirdly, crypto has been able to capture my attention like nothing else in this life has so far, and I think it is because it has the potential to interact in so many ways with so many things that we consider important to ourselves as individuals, our families, our local communities and the global society. Bitcoin is only one aspect of a much larger and far-ranging landscape of crypto, blockchain and human.

Perhaps, to be a long-term holder, a person has to have a firm grip on a reality that could be, rather than a short-term desire for a better version of what is.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Cryptocurrencies could be a long-term invensment item. Personally, I buy liitle by liitle and not only BTC or ETH, but also the others.

I have a bit of different stuff too - a fair bit of HIVE also :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ha ha, i am trying to get a bit more, only because i got a Celsius code giving me 20 or 40$ if i deposit 400$ in Bitcoin. But i plan to get 400$ of BTC this month. Right!

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If it goes to a million, you will have about 11,000 worth ;D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I must say the picture is so cute! Second, I believe that those who invested in crypto, even if a little bit, have better chances than those who did not.
Four years from now I will be 46 years of age, which isn't exactly "deathbed" yet
If you are healthy this is the biggest accomplishment, I see people under 40 deeply sick because of overworking. Balance and a steady progress is always good, no matter how old we will be when we will become financially independent

I see people under 40 deeply sick because of overworking.

I also see some not working at all - perhaps it balances? :D I suspect that some people who didn't before, have realized that without work, they can't have all that stuff they wanted.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For sure work is a good thing, but done with balance. What good is it to work until exhaustion so that when retirement age comes, the individual is half dead? Many die soon after, not enjoying old age. Balance and working within a schedule is the best as we all want to live longer

Despite the emotional toll of checking crypto prices daily/hourly/minutely, there really is no toll on grinding out another four years. My guess is that if you had enough money to retire... your overall life might not change that much. I'm sure you'd still post on Hive regularly and you'd probably still do work that you enjoy. You'd have more options, obviously, but I'm not super convinced that the crypto grind is a grind at all...

I was just thinking up a post about not only stacking sats. One also has to have some form of use for the savings. Some plan to generate cash flow from those savings without having to liquidate. But, at smaller quantities, it starts with the grind. Cash must flow in our daily lives.

4 years is a walk in the park if only my bones would hold up. I am one of those that look really long term and that's why Papillon is now 20 years old. So another 15 or 20 years in crypto could look very interesting.

By that time I could be so 80 or 85 years young and my life will discontinue to be a puzzle as at last I would find my true talent. A wheelchair mechanic :D

Such a wonderful article. Well, I learn everyday from everybody on the platform. Today, I have learnt diversification and also patience.

I don't think its too late to get into bitcoin, I guess I should start from somewhere like buying and holding regularly till the day it gets to be something substantial.

there is always something to learn from your post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

a very interesting day, the China thing is really making people think, in the meanwhile we'll continue to buy the dips.

I have made good money from crypto and l have also invested too... crypto is the future!

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Does holding a little of BTC/BNB LP count?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Does for me. I have a little bnb/eth :)

However, if BTC or ETH really takes off, we get less and less of them because of impermanent loss.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is one of the risks, but it is still up :D

Also, I think bnb and eth could climb at the same rate from here.

Fingers-crossed... 10x for BTC would mean 290k and for ETH it would mean 17k and for BNB - 2.4k.

Peaks and troughs. That's life in general for many people. What goes up must go down. However cycles are also a common thing, so have seen the highest all time highs in Crypto? I think not. It may be years away, but we will pass those all time highs again.

It is human nature to be more negative about dips than we are positive about increases, even if the increases far outweigh the decreases.

I'm a long term holder with Crypto and will hold for a long time. I sometimes wonder though whether I should have a magic number, when i should cash in 50% of my coins?