Things are looking upwardly mobile today in the markets and as a result, it has spurred some of my colleagues into gear and got them excited, after all of these months of quiet.
It is interesting to note the different behaviors of people as it is pretty obvious who has bought tokens to hold in the hope that they will go up in value and, who is active in the industry. I think that for the most part, my view of crypto is skewed because I am active here on Hive, interacting daily with people who are also active pretty much daily in the crypto areas available. Not everyone takes the same approach or paths, but all are doing something.
While I know that a lot of people are here to earn by posting, commenting or curating, the value of participating on Hive for the immersion into a community of active people is very high. It is very hard to stay active at anything when alone and investing is generally a lonely business.
This is changing though and I think crypto is a big part of the reason, as it has broken the taboo and normalized discussing "money" publicly and with friends, which has brought more people into the fold and spread knowledge wider. Why I think it is actually quite interesting and illustrative of the industry itself.
Firstly, the decentralization of crypto, meaning that "anyone" can be involved without an authority granting access, has allowed people who were previously locked out of investing to get in. There are many hurdles for the average person to invest and it isn't very easy with small amounts and in some locations, where only the privileged have access.
The second point is more interesting (for me) though, as while we talk about "money", it is done through the lens of tokenization, which removes a lot of the stigma and emotional valence that we carry about it, whilst preserving all of the attributes that are important.
Talking about tokens and tokenomics is like talking about money and economics in metaphor and euphemisms and while this allows us to speak more freely, it also accustoms us to interacting directly with the economy with intention. While we are always interacting with the traditional economy, for the most part we do it as users only. When we are doing the same tasks in crypto, we are doing it as owners and we are much more in control of our activity and aware of the affects we have on the economy itself.
Through this we start to learn through direct and shared experience in the community and we build up our understanding of potential and possibility. It is also very likely that we end up seeing the flaws of the traditional economy and precisely how it is working against so many of us, while favoring a few of us very heavily. Once seen, it is very hard to unsee and when that happens, we begin to change our minds and then our actions.
This raises more questions in us too, as when we start to think differently and move with intention, we start to bump against things that seemed "normal" before and we realize, that it isn't at all.
For example, one of my friends messaged me today to say that his bank had asked for screenshots of his Coinbase profile and some transactions, to prove that it is his. He is very much a law-abiding citizen, but said, "I am not a libertarian, but this just doesn't seem right". And it isn't.
While they are using the "law" to demand this, he already has KYC at the bank and if he is happy with the transactions from his account, the bank shouldn't have any bother at all. The reason for this invasion of privacy is "Money Laundering", as if that is a huge problem amongst Finnish IT professionals. If he doesn't comply within a week, they will shut down access to his accounts.
Yeah - he thought it was his money he was putting in the bank for safe keeping.
This is obviously going to happen more and more and it is out of fear of being replaced, so they the financial institutions are able to lobby the government which is in their pockets and change laws in their favor. What is interesting is that as crypto starts to scale upward, they can't compete. Just think, while they are going into negative interest rates, people moving into the DeFi space are earning triple digit interest on what they are putting in. As the industry matures and offers more and more services that banks currently offer at a premium, and then distribute the profits amongst a decentralized group of investors around the world and from all walks of life, who is going to put their money into a bank?
There will be many.
At first.
But as the conversation keeps growing around crypto and an increasing amount of people are coming in, businesses are created and products and services developed, the narrative changes.
While it takes time, we on Hive are pretty lucky to be part of the conversation and interaction daily. We might be a relatively small blockchain with an undervalued (in my opinion) token, but we have one of the largest active communities in crypto who are doing far more than just buying, holding or trading. '
What is happening on Hive is what needs to happen in the entire industry - places, spaces and reasons for people to get involved and start using crypto for something. It might be for gamming or the news, entertainment or a place to write thoughts - but on Hive, people are using their crypto daily to earn, play and reward in an economy that empowers a community.
Because of the general nature of the Hive blockchain, it is moving in many directions simultaneously, meaning that there are so many seeds scattered about and starting to sprout, that at some point, there will be a forest, with a network of roots that intertwine to create a foundation that many people can build across and live upon.
There are hundreds of millions of crypto people in the world now, yet most of them don't use their tokens actively ever day. That is going to change quickly, when they realize that the real gains are in nurturing the growth of the industry, not waiting for it all to happen from the sidelines.
It is so easy to get involved, but once in, it is unlikely one will ever want to go back to what they knew earlier. Ignorance might be bliss in many cases, but being ignorant in the economy doesn't mean that it is trouble free or without hardship, it just means that you don't know why you are suffering.
Being part of the crypto discussion helps us diagnose our struggles and is a step toward finding a cure to what has repressed so many.
Seeds planted?
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You had me at the title. Very clever, you.
Many people drop by HIVE would like to be rich in a short time. They think HIVE runs like the other social medias. When the value of HIVE decreases and stays so for a while, they leave the blockchain. We don't need such users anyway, we need those who try to interact daily as you mentioned above.
What is funny, is that when price is down, it is the best time to earn Hive, as well as buy :)
There is a very important issue and it is the investment issue. Cryptocurrencies have been an answer to many needs but now that they have become popular we are facing the fact that you have to "invest" to have more and Hive does not escape from this. If you don't have enough in the system, you don't prosper, if you don't have support, you don't prosper. And it has become TITANIC to be able to grow to invest more in this platform, especially if you don't have enough to become a "heavyweight". Certainly the communities are part of that support that allows to "solve some cryptos" but beyond what is aspired which is to "grow" for more profit and comfort, it is quite hard.
By @hojaraskita
There are still a lot of ways to earn, but investment is required in any economy, whether it be time, effort or money. The benefit of investing into crypto with fiat, is that it is getting out of the traditional economy, thereby hedging bets.
For me, I have started from absolute zero on this platform and along the entire journey, people have constantly told me it is impossible to grow a significant stake on Hive.
Markets will surge for a few more months. Reports coming in that Afghani people are dumping their native currency for bitcoin to evade the Taliban who have just taken hold of the nation's banks and reserves.
Women are establishing bitcoin wallets and transferring their wealth.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Crypto is a pretty good hedge against those kinds of regimes. One of the interesting things on Hive is that people don't care where you are from or what your background is, if you deliver.
Yup, that's true. It's been a great experience
Well hive gets the oportunity to learn, teach a Little and interact with a lot of people, AND for this aditional we get extra money, great oír blockchain.
Yes a lot of people ate coming, here i hope make better work to carry here a lot of people right now that the adoption of btc as a currency legal un my country coming soon, people are more open to crypto hope put a message in the bus stop promotting hive i hope.
By the way muy rainy days are pases, i hope you todo been better.
Bless you.
How long is it until the rollout of BTC as legal tender?
It would be great to have people coming from all over to invest a bit of time, effort and money into the blockchain here. Just think 10% on HBD is pretty attractive.
I am doing a bit bett overall. There are good days and bad. Thanks for asking.
The legal tender of BTC Star no mex September 7 AND here we go.
Yes the 10% Is better than 0.01% offer by the banners,
Well i hope the things coming better.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Will be very interesting to see how it progresses after rollout
I believe that much has already begun to bear fruit!!!! As you say, and as in any garden, this is a daily, constant work. In Hive we have the opportunity not only to acquire money, but to get the feedback, the exchange of knowledge, which is very important. May this tree of good fruits continue to take root. Hugs, @tarazkp
Hopefully people will start using it as a place to expose themselves to what has been opaque for so long - the economy.
Shady banks being shady bankers! I think that kind of thing your friend experienced is shocking but probably all too common. Buggers
It is going to get worse. I am hoping that crypto friendly countries and institutions start realizing that there is at least 2 trillion dollars and growing to be circulated in their local economies.
Yeah, defo worse. I think they are flailing back against it because they do realise how unstoppable it is becoming
It is a natural reaction to slowly becoming irrelevant.
Banks are not happy seeing crypto mass adoption as they take crypto as big threat for their existence .We know how Mobile and Internet kills many established system like mail service , Telephone and now Bank is next to be haunted by blockchain financial system.
Hold your crypto tightly and enjoy the ride.
Every dead industry was replaced and nothing lasts forever. Times are always changing, but those who benefit from them staying the same, will fight.
My question is why would your bank call you and ask for a screenshot.
That's definitely not right at all.
The crypto market is still growing and as such many people would start finding ways to get in and make waves.
The government acknowledgement isn't that a good thing?
It is insane. I think that they are looking to close any loopholes by making you "volunteer" information.
Yes. It is legitimization of crypto as a threat to the established means. for over a decade they have called it a scam - that means they are knowingly legislating a scam.
Over a decade, crazy people.
Lab rats would be a better definition.
In S.K, there is a little use of cryptocurrencies due to tax issues.Dear @tarazkp, Are you paying taxes on cryptocurrencies?
Yes. When I use it.
Dear @tarazkp,
Currently, the S.K government is touting that people who use cryptocurrencies are often scammed or go bankrupt.😄
They promote cryptocurrencies as highly risky and unreliable speculative products.
and what do you think about it?
Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!
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So creative and educative
That hive is one of the active community, although we might be small in number but we are doing much pretty good in terms of trading, holding and so on.
That our community is one of a kind 🥰
If you want to get more support through comments on my post at least, you have to add something to the conversation, not just add some nonsense of support. I don't need my ego stroked - flattery will get you nowhere.
What did you learn?
Argh! Your friend's experience really makes my blood boil. How dare they!
The world is indeed rapidly changing. Crypto is becoming more widely used than ever. In my country, Axie seemed to have slightly spur a mainstream adoption as there are a lot of players here. Earnings in Axie are way better than minimum wage. We're seeing establishment here accepting SLP as payment. Hopefully, hive follows suit as I'm seeing more and more Filipinos taking part in this community both in the blogosphere and in Splinterlands.