One of the things that both makes me laugh and gets me excited is the amount of media FUD and FOMO on crypto. Quite often, we talk about how wrong the articles might be or how they have misrepresented the situation in the downs, but also how ridiculously transparent they are as they feed into greed in the ups. But regardless of what their ulterior motives are and while not "all news is good news", this is a good sign for crypto adoption.
The reason is that the media is big business and like all corporations, they act in their own interests, which means that they make profits from what they are "reporting" on. It could be that they are investing into crypto and buying the dips on their own FUD and selling the peaks as they drive FOMO and I suspect this happens a fair bit. But more likely, it is because there is increasing public interest in the articles.
As more people get involved in crypto at the investor level, they are going to be increasingly looking for content to support their newfound passion. With the variation in types of people getting involved, a large percentage of them are still going to be using the mainstream media a their sources, as they don't recognize the errors being reported yet. So, the global media are only too happy to oblige and they do it in the way that they do - which is through clickbait.
What this increasing media attention indicates though, is that people are actually clicking, otherwise the media would report on it at all. Mass media makes its money through advertising revenue too, which means in order to sell space, they have too attract attention. Over the internet age, this has led to a degradation of journalism and integrity because the incentive is aligned with volume of readership to consume advertising, not quality or accuracy of reporting.
Much of the mainstream media is filled with celebrity gossip and clickbait titles because they are designed to appeal to the consumer masses, as they are the ones who are targeted by the advertising anyway. The average mainstream media consumer is average and they are the masses. Catering to them increases ad revenue for the newspapers.
Not only this, with the fastest uptake of crypto being predominantly being in the under 25 demographics currently, this gives the news media a chance to win back some lost readership, as they can now cater to the younger audience with more than just the celebrity gossip, which they probably get enough of from other sources like Instagram and Twitter anyway.
Obviously, the strategy is working, since the news media is very sensitive to what gets traction and what doesn't, which means people are clicking on crypto articles enough to warrant publishing more crypto articles. At the moment and as clickbait media generally does, they focus on the polarized extremes of the highs and lows as that is what "buys" attention. The nuance and detail is of course missing, but the emotional reactions are there and feed both sides of the largely ignorant viewer. Those that are new to crypto and reading get upset or elated when they read "Bitcoin crashes" or "Bitcoin is at an all time high" respectively. While those who are not in crypto and potentially negative on it will get more of the inverse of those two. Those who are not in of course, will have their greed centers triggered by the ATH news however and are still more likely to click.
But over time and the more the new investors participate in the crypto economy, the more they start to recognize that the sources they have been using are various degrees of incorrect and, they start looking for more nuance and detail - more objectivity, as well as more support for their position. Places like Hive are fantastic for these kinds of users and will increasingly cater for the entire spectrum.
So, while it is funny to read some of these articles at times and get the reactions as more seasoned crypto users, it is also valuable to recognize that these articles are actually getting traction to the point that the mass media is able to generate significant income from the ad revenue attached to them, otherwise, they would publish the articles at all. It is good to remember that they don't care if people win or lose, they don't care about a decentralized future or supporting the governments either - they only care about their own bottom line and work in the interest of making profit.
This makes the increase in articles a very good indicator of the interest level in the general population and it seems, adoption is happening, even if it is slower than those who have already been here for years would like. But how often do we get what we want, when we want it?
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What I find interesting is that all the 'news' (good or bad) focuses on trying to compare crypto investing to the old fiat model. Hodling, buying in the hopes of a significant rise in fiat value, is about the only point in which the two types of investing are actually similar. Buying and selling on the dips and peaks is just 'day trading' however most of crypto investing is really in staking, yield farming and/or earning interest (which is paid in crypto).
In both of those cases the fiat value of a crypto is almost irrelevant. For my own part I want to get my interest in a currency when the 'value' is low because this means I get more of the token in interest. It is only when I have a need to 'cash out' that I want that value at a peak (naked self interest). At best this approach to investing might be compared to buying dividend stocks with the express intent of dividend reinvestment (not really a good analogy but probably the best available). The difference is that with most DeFi platforms interest is paid daily and in the token (like getting more stock) rather than in fiat which must then be converted back into the stock.
One great advantage of the crypto system is that more and more means are emerging which allow one to earn crypto giving more people the ability to build a portfolio even if they don't have the means for direct investment. Over time this makes it possible for the masses to build both growth and passive income. Once this becomes common knowledge I believe there will be a significant uptick in the quest for knowledge and in engagement. An entirely new phase in the Gig economy. And this is something that mainstream media is not reporting on.
They don't really know what crypto is yet - even many people in crypto still think of it as a version of fiat currency, but decentralized. It is far, far more than that and time will reveal the extent to which it is going to encroach on everything we do.
Yes, and it is very easy to get out of it too. Plus the potential to build other products atop the pools too.
Yes, because it gives workers options and they need those workers to work for them, not for themselves.
The media is like that annoying friend who is all gung ho about something when things are going good and as soon as it turns bad they say "oh, I told you so". It's that kind of trash that drives me nuts. Like you send, it is all about what is sensational. Minor corrections and regular dips aren't sensational. No point in writing about those...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They don't care and I have noticed that often the "experts" they have reporting are far from such.
Very True!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Imagine un my country all newspaper are written about the bad AND the ugly of BTC because around 6 million of people are uses the BTC as a legal tender AND uses it, Is the battle between the old system AND the new. That Is comming.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is going to get uglier as more countries adopt it and more value is moving out of the major fiats
Do you know what happened to the rewards? Getting Hive power, HBD AND Hive seems very nice. So I hope it will stay like this.
Yes, it is called a haircut. It happens when the debt ration between HBD and HIVE is at a certain percentage, so rather than printing more HBD, additional Hive is added.
thank you.
no worries :)
I think there's a major increase in interest in crypto.
These days every conversation I have includes a topic on one cryptocurrency or another.
Yes, but that is because you are in crypto :)
I have seen this situation for other news as well. It is kind of word play.
Well, "Any news is good news" for cryptos :)
"All mainstream news is suspect"
(image source:
Hive is like Ant miners which is still tiny in size in front of other big monster in social platform But always remember This Ant miner always increase its ability of health consistently to protect its team monster so the attacker can waste their power on it. Hive is little simillar as its new and still tiny but highly determined its long path and focus on protecting its communities from external malicious attack in decentralised form. Long Live Hive & Long Live Splinterland.
Hi, As our on going push to introduce communities to the new age of technologies, New Age Nerds is organizing a push to create a decentralized market place of Helium Miners. The community will host a place where miners who need locations to place hotspots can find people who want to host locations and people who want to invest in miners to create the networks. A very robust system that means a miner once purchased it can find instantaneously a location to host a hotspot miner and a person willing to provide funds to off set purchasing/installation cost of any miner in the world. Thereby giving people access not just an income generating asset but builds out the Helium IOT networks for stage 2 of how New age nerds will change how communities interact with new technologies.
This is spam.
yeah I have kinda posted it everywhere but im good now
Good at what now?