Are you a winner?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

What do you consider "winning" on Hive?

Someone said to me that I "lost" and they "won" because I have put in so much time and effort and my account is only worth 25,000 dollars, while they shitposted and sold for 25% of that.

Sounds like a winner to me.

This statement makes a lot of assumptions as to what I have earned on and from the platform, as well as what I may or may not have off the platform also. I started trading back in 2017 and while I am not much of a trader, I have done okay. Since I have a job and at times have even had some extra, I have also been able to buy with a bit of fiat here and there. It also doesn't take into consideration things like my LEO account, which is currently about 20% of my on Hive value.


But, this is all about money, which is pretty much all this person seems to be interested in talking about when it comes to success. There are quite a few like this of course in the world, the types who look to maximize their money, but there aren't as many of them who will try to rub it in other people's face.

I have met a couple of these people on Hive over the years and they are always the negative and bitter ones. They talk about how they "won" but here they are each day, complaining about the rewards they receive, some of them begging for support even. Winners. But, I think that what these kinds of people don't realize is that while they think money equates to winning, that is not everyone's focus.

I was speaking with a psychologist friend of mine today about my writing and how valuable it has been for me the last four years and, money didn't come up at all. Yes, I get paid to write on Hive and the hourly rate sucks for someone living in Finland, but there is a massive amount of value for me personally through my writing and perhaps more importantly for me, I feel that I am adding some kind of value to the lives of others. There is the financial value in my vote, but I would predict that for a lot of people who often spend a few minutes reading my work, they will probably get a decent amount of value from it in the way they are thinking or feeling that day. Whether they apply any of it to their lives is another matter, but for me, doing something that I consider has meaning, has value.

As I said the other day, I wouldn't have my business if I felt what I was doing wasn't adding value to my clients and, I wouldn't work the second job I have if I felt I wasn't adding value there either. I have enough experience, skill and work ethic in my life to be able to pick and choose to some degree what I do.

This also applies to Hive. I find it incredible that people are so gleeful about shitposting for reward as if they are winning. I think it speaks about their personal ethics, especially when many of them complain about the system and not getting enough reward themselves. It is all about the money. Which is also why a lot of these same people who often talk about fairness and ethics, are also posting their content on Steem. It is all about the money.

It is okay, people need money to live and everyone faces various life challenges, but is it winning? Is it winning when a person isn't able to pay their bills? Is it winning when a person has to post content for reward and complain about downvotes? Is it winning when a person has to resort to calling people names? Is it winning when there is so much anger and bitterness at life itself?

Where is the victory?

Each day I get to sit down and write about the things that are on my mind, that are important to me, that provide me meaning. Each day I get to discuss topics with people from various backgrounds, various skills, intelligences and perspectives. Each day I get to meditate through my keyboard, processing my mind and managing my emotions. It is a luxury.

And I get paid for it.

I don't get paid because of the content itself, I get paid because of the people who value the content, who value the discussion, who value the sense of being part of a community of people looking to improve the future in some way. Hive isn't one community, it is many communities and each individual has a different definition of what is success, which means that not everyone is interested in building that better future, some are just interested in satisfying their own needs, no matter the cost to others.

Many come here for money, some come here for community, some come here for a place to be heard - because no one listens to them anywhere else. Pretty much everyone wants rewards for their activity, which is good, because that is what the system encourages, ownership. However, not many live that opportunity and instead sell out and when a future comes where the world is either better or worse, there they will be complaining about conditions. They will complain about not having enough if things are better better, despite them selling.

Or, they will complain about not having enough because the world has degraded, despite them not taking the opportunity to try and improve it. either way, they will complain, because that is what they do, that is what they are and, they do not own anything, especially the sense of responsibility to others in this world, even though they have benefited from the work of those others. Winners?

I don't believe so. It is the position of those that everyone who isn't them complains about. The mega rich who keep stacking no matter what the cost to the rest of society, the environment or even the people closest to them. It is just that unlike the people complaining, these people are great at what they do and can very much "win" at their trade. Sure, they might lose as at having humanity and vision.

So I wonder, what is winning at Hive and do the people reading this consider themselves winners? What are the streams of value you get from being here? How do you feel about being here? Do you get a sense of accomplishment for what you do here? Do you learn something valuable with the time spent?

Are you in some way a better person in the world for being on Hive?

I believe I am. Yes, I have the chance for a little financial security, but I am calmer, more skilled, a better husband and father, a better employee and entrepreneur, an improved friend and someone who has started adding more value to the world with more focused direction on future improvement. It is a slow process and there are no guarantees in the outcome, but it is valuable and meaningful to me. This is winning.

It might not be everyone's or even anyone's definition of what winning is for them, but that doesn't really matter, since my experience is my own, just like what I own is mine. In my opinion, a lot of people sell their success for money, instead of making money by being successful. As a result, the incentives are misaligned and the behavior can easily become harmful. If money is the indicator of success, it doesn't matter how it is made, which is a big reason we are currently in the global situation we are in. People successfully making money, no matter what they have to do, or who or what they harm along the way.

We all make decisions, it is all game theory. Some people will trade anything for money.

Even their own happiness.

Winning on Hive isn't calculated in HIVE, it factors in all of life.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Some people will trade anything for money..... That is so true, even in real life. Unfortunately few realize that victory and winning is almost never related with money long term.
Posting content that makes you feel good when you click post is what matters. The person that you become in the process matters. The connection that you make matters.

P. S. The picture of smallsteps is adorable with those wings

I wonder if everyone was able to experience a deathbed moment, would they change their idea of what is valuable?

It is one of my favourite pics of her :)


I am sure they would.... A near death experience can change people. For the moment

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We are laying the foundation for something much bigger.

It is a shame people can only think about what they directly get out of it.

Those who are here long term realize so much more is being developed. This place is going to be magical by the end of the year.

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I think a lot of the people that look at it from what they can extract only will eventually leave. I see many of them jumping from platform to platform, never building, always chasing. Employee mindset.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nicely said sir, and just so you know, I've decided to hold my breath until it's magical here...So we better get on it :)

Yep. Totally agree. I think 2021 will surprise us all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We each have our reasons for being on Hive. Of course the potential to earn is a big draw, but I found a great community here and that has kept me going. I have spent a fair bit on trips to events like Steemfest, but it was worth it to me. I am fortunate in not struggling for money and I appreciate that for other the extra they make here can have a real effect on their lives. I do not like seeing people abuse the platform for pure gain without adding value and have taken action against that. I think it is worth fighting to make Hive all it can be.

I feel like I am winning!

I think you are too. Out of curiosity, prior to Hive, did you share your music elsewhere?

When it comes to the abuse, I agree it needs to be combatted, but it will never be "defeated" as whenever there is value to be gained, people will look for shortcuts of some kind.

I did post music to Tsu which shut down about the time Steemit started. I didn't make anything like as much there. There have been crazy times when I was making hundreds of dollars in Steem per week. Part of me was a little scared by that. It all gets too serious sometimes.

I don't know if I am a winner or not yet but I know that I am slowly building myself into one. I am not going to say that I do not care about money while being on Hive And Leo becaue that would be a lie. However, I don't really care about money at the moment with my current small Hive and Leo stakes.

I want to build, I want to interact and I want to enjoy the ride. That is why almost all of my earnings here are used to power up Hive and Leo. So, yeah, maybe I am not a winner in the $ terms of it but I consider myself a winner just because of the fact that I discovered Hive and Leo and that I am lucky enough to be a part of the community. Time will tell where it all goes.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that it is good to care about money, as it is the economy that makes this life possible. However, the way we go about getting that money, should matter too. I think we can likely all do better than we are, to the betterment of all of us.

We are here for the verrrrry long term and the mistake that I made was to show Marian the photo of Smallsteps. Ever had "Oooooh, she is such a cute little thing" and such like in your ears when you are trying to read :)
So yeah, this is a reblog under threat so that she can continue to look at the photo!
Your fault :)

It is one of my fave photos of her :)

I am really hoping that a year or two from now, the difference for your charity is large.

A great photo indeed and you got it at the exact right moment.
It speaks of innocence, joy and sheer pleasure.
Precious things that have departed from us as adults!

We will just continue on our way of hope and love in all that we do my friend.
Hope that you guys are having a good Sunday :)

Don't underestimate the value of your contribution. Working from home I'm talking to customers over social media for 10 hours a day.
Your small doses of sanity are a welcome distraction. You're like a fairy godmother floating down, waving your wand and sprinkling my day with wisdom and perspective.
When I'm trying to explain pro-rata billing to a customer barely able to locate the mouse, and entirely unwilling to even glance at their "incomprehensible" invoice; I can click on that other tab, and treat myself to a few minutes in an agile mind.
That's not something many people are offering, and I appreciate it.

I am humbled.

As someone that's sort of been on both ends of the spectrum, I can relate to your points on many levels. I have always loved writing and wrote for years without earning a cent. I love stringing words together to create something of value. However, money pays for internet and all that stuff, so getting paid for my writing sort of felt good.

I got into crypto in late 2017, with the promise of finally monetising my passion. I have earned quite a lot of money(by my standard), spent some and reinvested others. I learnt more about money and about myself in the process. I have whined privately to my friends about being flagged, but nothing over the top or monumental. The point is, I know what it feels like to think that getting paid is winning because that was my reality for many months.

When the money dried up in 2018, I still continued writing on the platform. I put in even more work into my articles and by then it was all about passion. I liked contributing to the network and I liked it when people engaged my post.

In summary, winning has many faces;whether it is money, passion, connections or a combination of all of them like my case, I think the most important thing is winning without all that toxic baby shit that comes from not winning. Nobody likes a sore loser after all

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The point is, I know what it feels like to think that getting paid is winning because that was my reality for many months.

It is a byproduct of winning, if consistent. Hitting a hole in one doesn't win the tournament.

Hopefully, some of what you were doing during the bear you kept. Those might be your most valuable tokens earned on the platform one day.

I think the most important thing is winning without all that toxic baby shit that comes from not winning. Nobody likes a sore loser after all

Ha, ain't this the truth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know about on hive but if I could have a cuddle from my niece I'd feel like a winner. I have this photo printed and stuck on the wall in my office.

What are the streams of value you get from being here? How do you feel about being here? Do you get a sense of accomplishment for what you do here? Do you learn something valuable with the time spent?

You know my answers here of course...The moment I shifted my focus away from potential financial reward this place became more enjoyable and my experience deepened. I started on the 13th June 2017...So, let me think when that mindset shifted...Oh yeah, about the 20th of the same month and year.

Making that shift is the best thing that happened to me and now...Well, three and a half years later I still enjoy it, have posted more than once daily on average and...Well, you know the rest, as do many others. I have seen a few making this shift and that their accounts are growing because it.

So, that's about it.

P.s. I still want my hug. Give her one from uncle G-dog please. Video chat tomorrow if you're around and free.

It is one of my favourites of her too.

It took me a while to get engaged with the community here, but I was pretty much going it alone for the start. I am glad that I was noticed and brought into a chat group with real people :)

will try and call you tomorrow for a chat too.

You've clearly made it work for you...Remarkable how consistency and effort pay off right?

I didn't realise you could "win" at this type of thing XD

Okay I do understand "winning" in the context of life and hive I guess but I'm too dumb to apply that XD

As if you're dumb.

I have my moments ;D

Me too...More than I'd like to count. :)

People will take the wins wherever they can get them, perhaps because they are losers everywhere else :D

Do you think that your creative process has changed at all since Hive? (the four year version of Hive)

LoL! I shouldn't laugh because it's mean but...I did think something similar x_x

Just my creative process? Not in the slightest. I would be doing exactly what I'm doing with or without hive. But I had the processes nutted out quite a while ago and aside from any adjustments made to allow for changes in programs and stuff I'm basically just trying to get better now XD

Stuff surrounding the creative process has changed or adjusted a bit, like obviously here is one more place to post (copypasta is minimal effort but still effort), and a lot more work because I get comments more regularly here and also spend a lot more time making them. I may have also started writing like I'm talking to someone rather than writing like I'm documenting more frequently (would have to look back further than four years in my blog and I'm too lazy for that)

We are learning a lot about crypto and living on hive. There is not enough money we earning here. We will make money by learning a lot and we are developing our skills by posting and commenting. It is good for all of us.

What kinds of skills do you think are the most important to develop?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Knowledge that people sharing

So I wonder, what is winning at Hive and do the people reading this consider themselves winners?

I feel like I win when I am entertained from Hive post for more than an hour, which is pretty much everyday. Instead of paying for entertainment I get it free. I do post sometimes but I am more of a consumer than a maker of content.

I may not be paid a lot but the simple reality is that like @nonameslefttouse talks about it is more pay than any other kind of entertainment is going to give me. So spend two hours paying to watch a Hollyweird movie, or maybe in 7 days get a few kick backs for enjoying stuff on Hive. Winner them, (I vote), and me because I was entertained.

I still watch movies and TV shows, I like lots of entertainment, but I no longer buy/pay for them in the normal sense, I have Amazon Prime, and I have netflicked a few movies via them for free with ads, (maybe twice), even though I don't like ads, they were short and not long like on TV or Cable/Satellite.

While free does not always equate to winning, Hive and the people do make the entertainment rewarding.

You have one of the greatest outlooks on value here and you actually live it. It is refreshing, even though I know it already.

Part of the entertainment for me is in the comments here, as I enjoy the back and forth - even with some of the crazies out there from time to time. Generally though, I prefer engaging with those who enjoy their time here and the builders.

I have never used Amazon Prime, perhaps I should look into it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I signed up for Amazon Prime initially for the free and or faster shipping. It is not cheap to order things for delivery to Alaska, and ground transport can take for ever. But along with the free/faster shipping, there are other free benefits to Prime like Prime Videos. It does suck though when they offer season 1 and season 4 for free but if you want season 2 and 3 then you have to pay for them, so some of their free is annoying free.

I might look into it, as while I don't think that Prime will get faster delivery here, it might be worth it for a lower delivery cost.

The other day there was a series I saw somewhere with only season 2 and beyond... like wtf?

Some of their schemes to make money pretty much suck, like showing all but two episodes in a season for free, they did that to me on the series The Dome, so I stopped using prime video for a few months.

This is a good way to look at it, as simple entertainment. I see it as a hobby for me to be honest, just like shooting guns or four wheeling, hiking or whatever...It's fun. If it stops being that I'll be gone, just like if a movie I'm watching isn't ringing my bell. So, is that a win? Yeah, I reckon.

Getting any kind of monetary value in return for my time spent here is always a plus but I actually came to this blockchain space to learn and that is my primary goal here. After I have discovered everything I need then monetary gains will probably be a primary concern as changing my lot in life is of some importance.

I hope to change the quality of life for everyone around the world by contributing what I have learned back into this blockchain space as well. I hope my time here will serve as an example of what can be accomplished and the roadblocks that need to be removed or avoided.

I see a future where people who have built the understanding and knowledge around blockchain at both the technical and ideological levels will have paid work helping others in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

,,Are you a winner?''
I don't know. When I came here in december of 2017 I was just looking for a place to show my art. A place where my art would be valued and praised. And place where I would be paid for showing my art. So far I did not become rich by posting my art here. I failed at my original goals. I guess that means that in that sense I am a loser. But my goals soon changed. As time went on I cared less and less about the money I could get here. Meeting in real life with people I found here and liked was my new goal. I write this in 2021 and so far I have not achieved that new purpose of being here either. A few times I tried to move friendships and connections from hive to the real world. I failed to beat the distance between us. So I am a loser by the main criteria I had while being here. But despite all this I had a good time here and I still have fond memories about this place. Perhaps now I have a better understanding of myself. I am grateful for what this place and people here gave me even if it was not what I wanted. And if could go back in time I would most likely still act the same way. I tried to achieve crazy goals that many others in my situation would likely not even dare to have. Let alone pursue. To them those goals would be just an impossible dreams. For me it was different. I was mad enough to ignore all odds and to still try and turn those goals into reality. I don't regret that I tried. I am proud of it. My plans failed time and time again. So what? I still tried again...and again. According to Rocky this makes me a winner.

Out of curiosity and concerning your art, have you been using the NFT art platform? or onchainart community? I am not sure if it is suitable for you, but it is worth looking into if wanting to connect with more people.

Failure or being a loser is more a mindset. At least for me, failure is from not learning from past experience, not failing to do something new.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am using onchainart tag but to use it better I should do more of a looking for posts and people that look interesting. I am not familiar with NFT art platform. How do I use it?

I think that onchainart also has an interface, but not sure.

It is a place where people can create digital "prints" of their work and sell them. check it out.

I don't use it myself, but perhaps @castleberry can chime in here.

@fieryfootprints OnChainArt community is a community you can subscribe to that is dedicated to Art. Definitely check out their pinned post and read up a little about their expectations for posting in that community. Here is a link to the community's about page. You can also join their discord to interact as well to get help and make some connections.

NFT ShowRoom is an art website where artists can tokenize their art by minting their pieces and then put them up for sale. They also have an active discord and everyone there is friendly and extremely helpful in navigating the onboarding process and how to get started selling your art. The NFT Showroom is Hive based. There are other places where you can sell your art for crypto like MakersPlace which is Ethereum based. I prefer NFT ShowRoom because of the low to non-existent transaction fees compared to Eth gas prices.

Here is a link to the NFT Showroom discord where you can ask questions and get help if you are interested. Social interaction and networking is a big part of getting familiar with our fellow artists. Much like on Hive, if you are interacting and engaging... then that is a win.

Here is a link to NFT Showroom so you can take a look.

The SketchBook community is another place to post your artwork.

Taking advantage of the communities when posting your art will give you the advantage of targeting an audience that is already interested in your focus. Explaining your techniques or describing your process is helpful in engaging folks with your art. Making sure you get really good quality photos, at least as far as focus is concerned is helpful. Taking your time to maximize the quality of your efforts will pay-off in the long run.

I wouldn't consider you to be a loser just because you didn't fully succeed in accomplishing your goals. If you learned from your experiences and derived anything of value, then i would call that winning. That Rocky scene was one my dad used to overcome some very dark days toward the end of his life. It ain't all rainbows and sunshine... but sometimes the sun does shine and at times rainbows do appear, but usually after the darkest dawns and after the storms have come and gone.

Save your voting power and please don't upvote my comment brother! Keep on keepin' on and know your best is yet to come.

Thanks @tarazkp for calling in the big gun! I would say if this comment was helpful... then i am definitely

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@castleberry thank you very much this comment. I believe that this information will help me a lot.

That looks really interesting. thank you

You are most welcome! I hope this does help encourage and help you! The community is where the tag comes from... so using the tag won't be as helpful as accessing and operating through the community.

You can go through and find other art and artists that you like and see what has been successful for them. That can help you organize yourself to emulate and recreate more success for your own content creations.

Success won't necessarily be measured in upvotes and money/Hive value... but in engagement. The more you engage others, as you did here, the more likely they will be to interact and engage you and your content!

I look forward to seeing some of your new stuff! Be inspired my friend.

This is a great post!

You are right in that when money is the primary incentive it creates a lot of misalignment. You can make more money on here by creating titles that are "click bait". What makes it worse is that people aren't even clicking the link to read the article. They are reading the headline or even worse just looking at the payout and the time of how long the article has been up, and then clicking the upvote button and just moving on.

Value comes from scarcity and as we are all seeing, the central banks of the world are just printing more and more money and the crypto world is also just digitally printing more money as well. Everybody is stacking chips or staking coins in hopes of getting rich or "going to the moon".

I say that the real scarce things are engagement, friendship, wisdom, and gratitude. I'll "stake" those things. I'll build social and intellectual capital. Those are the real scare resources.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are reading the headline or even worse just looking at the payout and the time of how long the article has been up, and then clicking the upvote button and just moving on.

I can't remember the percentage, but the majority of shares on the internet of articles are by those who have only read the first few lines.

I say that the real scarce things are engagement, friendship, wisdom, and gratitude. I'll "stake" those things. I'll build social and intellectual capital. Those are the real scare resources.

This is how I see it too. They are not only scarce, they are also highly valuable when held, but to hold takes effort that many people no longer have. Perhaps effort itself is a scarce resource these days...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, agreed! Attention, is the effort or scarce resource that is needed to hold onto good friends. "The Attention Economy"

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot of people want the attention, but don't understand how an economy works :)

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so sincere and touching post. thank you, Taraz!
I also saw many people here who complain about low awards. There were even some people who really thought whales MUST vote for them. Why? Just because;) they are cool;)and how dare they not to do it??? It was shock for me. I can't say I am superstar here or I've succeed like I dreamed to, but it's only my problem or mistake. And actually I stopped waiting for something here long ago;)
Steem and now Hive are great projects of possibilities. And anyone uses them how they can and wish - for earning, for friendship, for spending time etc. Anyone takes what he can here.
Stop waiting and you'll get what you were waiting for - a golden principle of Universe.
Do you agree?:)

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