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RE: Damn Those Immigrants

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Corporations are greedy, politicos are venial and lazy, people are short sighted and easily manipulated.

Rather than force their administrators to do a better job, enact wise policies, manage public resources prudently,control the naked greed of corporations ,most people fall into complaining and directing their anger in the wrong direction.

Why do is see migrant centres being attacked and firebombed, but not the houses of parliament ?

Divide and rule.

And what is a migrant anyway ? , somebody who wasn't born in your country ?, so what. The problem isn't the person, they will work, they will contribute, they will pay their share, it's the policies that manage the entire situation that allow longstanding failings to continue.

As someone from a country whose biggest export is migrants (Ireland), someone who left home at 18 for better economic opportunities, it sickens me to see the reaction of Irish people to migrants currently. I had every opportunity in my adopted country, it took me a while to get going, but eventually I ended up employing others and generating more in taxes paid on aggregate than I earned myself. I brought up my children to be well rounded adults, contributing members of society.

People are angry, yes, but would they be so angry if their politicos managed domestic affaires better, were not corrupt, self serving and venial. If public policies managed migration sensibly, invested in public infrastructure (have you seen the rail network in Ireland!!, its a shambles) and didn't fall back to beating the same old drum every election cycle.

Migrants are used as a scapegoat, a smokescreen, it's a story as old as humanity.

There will always be barbarians at the gate, if you believe that, well, you've been used and your lack of reasoning is the real issue 💑


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