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RE: Taxes in Metaverse?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It's hard to decide currently between the two. Both sides have their own merits, I don't think we would want the Metaverse to be the new tax haven where everyone parks their wealth tax free. But taxing on an intangible sphere that's global and potentially decentralized could be like trying to repeat the same problems we had in physical reality. It will seems constricting and perhaps unfair, due to geographical differences.


Although it is difficult to choose, because you are right; what is certain is that a balance will have to be found, because if it is not taxed there will be a tax haven and it will not be fair or equitable, and perhaps not decentralized either, because what will happen if wealth accumulates without limits or basic rules?
It is, like all issues related to decentralization, complicated and tricky.