Perpetual Income

in LeoFinance3 months ago

In theory, perpetual income is a steady stream of revenue that continues indefinitely without requiring much additional work or input.

I think this is the ideal of passive income taken to its most logical conclusion, money that keeps flowing regardless of market conditions or personal circumstances.

Of course, it also depends on what definition perpetual means in perpetual income. But I think if it's just looking at a timeframe of 10-15 years rather than forever, it becomes a more achievable goal to work towards.

For me, the problem is in practice. I feel nowadays that everything across the board is becoming increasingly unstable and uncertain.

There's some sort of disruptive change that's going on, which makes relying on traditional 'perpetual' income sources like dividend stocks or rental properties feel precarious, to say the least.

I read about stock markets being a ghost of their former selves and real estate, considered as the cornerstone of perpetual income, experiencing changing preferences from both commercial and resident users.

The main culprits are usually technological disruption, economic volatility, and shifting regulations.

In my view, an underlying current is simply the accelerating pace of change itself, making any 'set and forget' strategy very risky.

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What seemed permanent yesterday might become obsolete tomorrow. And this becoming the new normal, not just an exception.

Evolved Meaning

In this new reality, rethinking what perpetual income is and its approaches might be a rewarding thought experiment.

When you're in a "figure it out as you go" phase, you mostly can't afford to put all your eggs in one basket or commit to rigid, inflexible strategies.

An advise that tends to be given during this phase is to stay lean and agile, building "things" that can be adapted and restructured as conditions change.

Drawing parallels here, doesn't it look like we're all trying to figure it out in this rapidly changing world that we're immersed in?

Adaptable is a word that's always thrown around as a key to thriving in the modern world. I think this same word could replace perpetual in perpetual income.

A definition of the latter could be income streams that can be modified, upgraded or replaced as the world changes.

Now, I'm not sure if such type of income streams already exists but the thought is definitely appealing.

No Easy Way Out

There's a downside however. Since it requires staying informed, maintaining relevant skills, and being ready to pivot when necessary.

This is more work than the traditional passive income ideal, although it could be a realistic approach in our rapidly evolving economy.

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On a broader principle, the change from 'perpetual' to 'adaptable' reflects how income resilience can come from building flexibility into the core business model.

What's the core business model of content creators?

At its heart, their business model is adaptability itself. Creating valuable content, and constantly evolving their delivery methods and monetization strategies.

They build an audience through one platform, then leverage that attention across multiple revenue streams like sponsorships and digital products.

The difference more or less between the two income approaches is in the mindset. Perpetual income seeks to build something that won't need to change.

The other one assumes change is inevitable and goes further into building systems to detect and respond to it.

The irony is embracing adaptability might actually create something more lasting than merely seeking perpetuality. But we humans just prefer the easy way out.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.