I see both sides of the fence on this one but I stopped self-voting altogether when I started post on Leo.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I see both sides of the fence on this one but I stopped self-voting altogether when I started post on Leo.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What the difference and what made you stop?
Well, I don't mind self voting because I think everyone should be able to do whatever they want with their stake/vote. I just stopped because I'd rather give those vote $$ out then keep for myself. I feel like you get what you give so give a bunch of votes and you may get them back from others ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, first of all, that not true. You give what you give and you get what you get. Truth be told.
Second of all, giving makes happy and taking makes rich. I do conclude you prefer being a good person overtaking that money off the table and that indeed makes you pretty lit.
At last, everybody can do what they want with their stake. But they also have to endure the consequences themselves. Without @Hivewatchers we'd be in big trouble, just like Gotham City without Batman.
Good points all my friend and pragmatic at that.
Appreciate the reply :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Also, thanks for sharing your Point of View, appreciated it.