I really like this idea @onealfa, well thought through and it sends a good message without being negative and disheartening to new users, who may also still be learning the ropes of the ecosystem.
I think for a lot of us who have been in the HIVE ecosystem for a while and understand how the rewards pool works, we probably take it for granted that for a new user, the concept of being paid for writing content is very confusing, exciting and novel. Free money!!!!!
I know on a personal level, my wife still does not understand how it all works and why I spend hours writing, editing and formatting a post to earn a few 'imaginary' cryptocurrency dollars.
I can still remember when I first joined, I just wanted to post as many posts as possible, because the novelty of getting cents for a post was awesome. Then I started to realise that quantity was not better than quality in this ecosystem, that this is not a money for nothing ecosystem. When I realised HIVE is actually a financial ecosystem build on reward for value and quality, it revolutionised my appreciation of what we have at our finger tips. I now take it very seriously and treat it like any other asset class, assessing risk versus reward, ROI, when to inject new capital, etc. In the process my enjoyable of the platform has skyrocketed and my invested value in HIVE and Tribe tokens have gone up a lot too (just need the market to realise the value too).
I think we also need to remember where most of the new users are coming from, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Over on those platforms, it is all about busting out posts regularly, that are short and punchy. It is definitely an adjustment coming over to HIVE where we are more like freelance writers or bloggers rather than your typical social media user.
In summary, @onealfa, I commend you on finding an approach and a method that is informative and educational for new users rather than negative and harmful like a downvote would be to someone who does not fully understand how the whole ecosystem works together.
Obviously there comes a point in the future when if a user continues to abuse the system and post content that does not provide valuable content, that the mechanism of the downvote is still available as an effective tool.
Us users who have been on the platform for a while need to continue to be focused on our own account growth and value, but we must not forget to also be educators and mentors to those who are just starting out. The learning curse is a big one and we sometimes forget what we had to go through to get where we are.
@onealfa, I commend you for your work in this area, you are a great example and role-model. I love reading you open, transparent and sometimes frank content. Well done!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you. Appreciate this LONG comment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anytime, I appreciate you solid commitment to the ecosystem.