Lost Relics - My new passive income

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Before a week ago I started playing a relatively new and very developing and promising MMO game which is based on the Enjin coin.
The name....Lost Relics!
The game is very simple. You have a hero who has to fight on different tracks with different difficulty and kill different creatures.
Going inside the track he collects various items which he finds by opening a trunk, fishing, cutting trees and mining rocks.
you can sell these items in the market and collects gold. With this gold you can buy better weapons and shields.

You will be wondering now, all is well so far but how do you earn enjin coins ??

The answer is very simple.Some of these items called blockchain items.
So these one you can sell to the market for real Enjin coins!
Here is my collection of blockchain items through this week.

bandicam 20210109 225715412.jpg

The estimated total market value of my items until now is 325.9 Enjin coins.Not bad for one week gaming!!!
Until now i do not want to sell something because the game is in Alpha early stage and maybe at the beta stage this items will cost more.
It is a very pleasant game that you can have a good time and also gain some free extra coins for your portfolio!

Here is the link that you can download the game and start playing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Μπραβο Στελιο!
Εμένα με δυσκόλεψε πολυ η εγκατάσταση κι ακόμα δεν εχω κανενα αντικειμενο.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Και εμένα με δυσκόλεψε λιγο η εγκατάσταση αλλά τελικά με την βοήθεια του discord το βρήκα.Θα δούμε στο μέλλον αν αξιζει

interesting! nice article.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot.