I reblogged :)
Check this out! Free hbd means more WOO land ;)@arkasz @groovy828
Pokerstars name: 9190kemzeke
Btw: Believe it or not, but 2 weeks ago I started with playing poker. (I've played it in secondary school, but was without the thinking part) Now I started with microstake online SnG's. I know that I'm still veeeery early on my journey but I'm really enjoying it so far. I even have the feeling that I managed to break even at the moment after 2 weeks, ofc still a small sample but we'll see.
Good luck with the tournament, may the odds be in your favor!
Nice, good luck on your journey.
Bankroll management is key for long term success with Poker.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you!
I've read quite a bit about bankroll management and will keep doing.
Gl in your tournament!
Were you playing regular SNG or the fifty50 ones?
I think the 'regular' ones.
It are the ones with 0.50usd buy in, 9persons, starting with 1500 chips