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RE: Compound Interesting

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The hardest way to get attention is to be very good at what one does, as it not only requires the learning part, but also the delivery part to prove through making impact.

I was thinking something similar yesterday when I was writing the post and reading some people's quotes. We read their quotes and idolize them sometimes. But only when they have already succeeded. I've met people who have said much stronger things. I've even had to ask them whose words are those? And they were their words. But no one would quote them (except me), because no one knows them.

And then I came across Trump's quote. I don't even remember which one. But I recently watched a show that exposed all of his business dealings. And Trump to me is just a crook. So his words mean nothing to me.

It's funny, it turns out that sometimes the words of a man off the street will mean more to me than the words of Trump or any other brilliant crook...


But only when they have already succeeded.

Survivor bias!

And Trump to me is just a crook. So his words mean nothing to me.

Reputation, earned or perceived matters.

Some people follow advice because of who it comes from. Some follow advice because of what it is.

Survivor bias!

Thanks, I learned something really important today! 💪