
What a hard talk. That's one of the usual approaches you keep hearing from most guys from Nigeria. Though the cost of internet is high but we do have reasons why we are here. I'm a teacher and a farmer. Content creating is a new life I found recently and I learn new things everyday which when I verify I share with my students giving them a wider scope . Talking about TikTok that's to tell you that our youths here are of consuming mentality rather than productive mentality. Though there's serious guys here who are determined to make a difference.

Yeah, I understand that data is expensive in Nigeria relating on how much they pay us. But I feel the younger ones like me, should try to have a good sense of management and know how to blend productivity alongside entertainment. For me, I watch a lot of entertaining TikTok videos, but it is nothing compared to what I spend my time to in regards to productivity.

This is it. Business before pleasures.

hmm... A good idea for a new article.. Thanks!

hmm... A good idea for a new article.. Thanks!