1. Introduction
The futility of life. The futility of the Internet. The futility of the crypto market.
Many have failed at this grand task. Countless projects had once charged themselves with the goal of launching the most meaningless token in the crypto market. But the efforts were unsuccessful. Usecases everywhere you look, you hardly think you have created an absolutely pointless product, then a few days later it turns out that you are solving some damn problem after all. Your own concept overturns and you finally find yourself in the middle of this huge sea, in which everyone defines, builds and defends their use cases.
BULLSHIT Token sees itself as the last fighter in a long lost battle, but not just any fighter. The BULLSHIT Token is the Chuck Norris of shitcoins, ready to raise a lost hope.
2. BULLSHIT Token - Underground is way above
The BULLSHIT Token has the claim to become the shittiest Shitcoin of all Shitcoins. The non-plus-ultra of meaningless projects with the goal of delivering absolutely no benefit. Instead of pretending that we can make profits in 10 years with some profitable product and thus let early investors profit, we want to be honest: We don't give a shit. We don't want to make profits, we want to yolo every penny, if any. Our analyst has suggested in each case to buy the stocks that are currently particularly pushed in r/WSB. This way we could always buy at the most expensive price and sell after the attention flattened out, so we get the maximum possible loss for all token holders. At this point, however, we have to say that a token distributed via an ICO or the like already serves the purpose of raising capital. Accordingly, we cannot choose a distribution model of this kind, so that investments from our side are not enabled. This would go against our inner values, our mission and our vision.
In this regard, we have chosen the name BULLSHIT Token to show to the outside world what this project is about on the inside. Here we went through a complex design process to be graphically attractive and at the same time stay true to our inner attitude. Our intern has simplified the very complex process for you:
2.1 Core values
We are open, transparent and communicate our values clearly and directly.
2.1.1 Our vision
We give a face to futility in the crypto market and enable our users to be part of no progress and no solution in the long run.
2.1.2 Our Mission
Our mission is to still have no mission in the distant future and stay true to our vision.
2.1.3 Our Purpuse
Providing no benefit at all costs.
2.2 The Team behind BULLSHIT Token
As in any serious shitcoin project, we don't have a talented and skilled team. We are 4 brothers and our intern. We have made it our mission to do as few tasks as possible and get on our intern's nerves all day. We are also guaranteed not to have been created with the help of a neural network, in that our intern just messed around with the "genetics" a bit.
3 BULLSHIT Token - [$BST]
The BULLSHIT token is a token on the Hive blockchain. The funding costs were borne by our intern (as usual with costs), allowing the core team to avoid any work. It is currently not possible to purchase the tokens (or at least not advisable), more details about the launch and distribution of the BULLSHIT tokens are explained below.
3.1 BULLSHIT Token [$BST] Launch
The BULLSHIT token has just been launched via Hive Engine. The screenshots below prove its existence. The maximum supply is 8,888,888 $BST. The tokens will have no decimal places and will only be available in whole units.
3.2 Initial $BST Token Distribution - Proof of Shitcoin
The token distribution is done initially using the PoSc algorithm. This is the so-called Proof of Shitcoin algorithm. Community members can share their experiences with the biggest Shitcoins in the world. Dead projects? Money grabs of the extra class? Fortunately never touched? Share your experiences with Shitcoins and participate in the initial token distribution by posting a comment with your experience under the release of this whitepaper, or by making your own post about it and linking it.
The goal is to get a broad picture of all the possible Shitcoin projects you've been in contact with over the years and share those common perspectives.
Please use the #BULLSHIT - when writing about your experiences in your own blog. Contributions will only be considered in the evaluation if they are published within the LeoFinance community and meet its quality standards.
The exact distribution takes into account the complex distribution keys that are calculated within the PoSc engine, as mentioned above. The engine of course does not exist and in essence means our intern making absolute random decisions. Nevertheless, the complex PoSc algorithm and its integration into the $BST token distribution is expertly prepared below:
As with any real Shitcoin prerequisite - there is also a decent portion of reserve for the team. We add to it and determine it according to our whim. We rely on our intern here in the end anyway, because we hate work.
4 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
The following section serves to clarify urgent questions that have arisen frequently in advance:
4.1 What is this? Is this a joke?
This is real. As real as a shitcoin can be. There's nothing but a token and a mission to be the most useless thing of all.
4.2 Why are you doing this? Do you have too much time?
The team has enough time because our intern is currently doing a good job. We are bored and want to yolon the team share in the end into useless things. Maybe we will make something useful out of it, but we don't believe in it.
4.3 How what can I do with the $BST now?
Yes hodln, look at it and hodln again. And get more, of course. What kind of question is that?
4.4 Will I be able to buy $BST on an exchange?
Yes sure, the first token is listed for purchase on Hive-Engine - but if you buy that you really can't be helped. If someone gets tokens by participating in #Bullshit, they can sell them too and you can buy them then.
4.5 When 100x?
Good question, we're not sure yet either. But we can pretty much say that the price of $BST will go up, down or sideways. Our analyst says the probability of occurrence for one of these 3 movements is 100%.
4.6 Should I invest in $BST if I want to make profit in the long run?
Of course not? Say, did you actually just read all that text up there? If it was too long, we understand. We wouldn't have read it either.
5 Disclaimer
This was or better is my homage to the Shitcoins of this world. Let's take a moment to commemorate - because these Shitcoins will not consecrate among us forever. But the really sad thing is that some coins out there that people invest their hope in are based on nothing more than what you read here. Well sure, add a little fairy and afterwards the cash is collected but the product is never delivered.
At the same time, this gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with the issue process of a token of my own and possibly explore how to automate this process of really distributing tokens. Possibly this will allow me to play around with this system a bit and get a little warmer with the whole thing.
If you're read to this post - kudos - leave a comment and I'll tell the intern to send you 1 $BST ;) Unless you're a bot, then SORRY!
Hope you had some fun reading this ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
First white paper i fully read
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That impresses me! Not even our intern has read that - and he wrote that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm taking out another mortgage.
I hear diamonds clink ;)
P.S. You are the brave holder of the 2nd BULLSHIT Token ever issued. Congratz bro, must feel insane!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice, now NFT it so people will know who's bullshit they got dumped on them.
Haha, I've thought about it too. Best as NTT (Non-Transferable-Token) - then the recipient has to pay for getting rid of it.
e/ and getting rid of it basically would mean paying to be able to send the token back to you hahaha
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
interesting. any recommended reading to learn about NTT's please? Or just DuckDuckGo it?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The joke is that these things really do exist. I don't know how it's really used, but it could be used for licensing or identification, for example. Here are 3 results from Google:
https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1238 https://medium.com/@cryptolions/introducing-non-transferable-tokens-ntts-2f1a532bf170 https://www.eosgo.io/news/non-transferable-tokens-on-eos
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Actually since BTS (Bitshares) is possible to do it ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's just incredible the engagement to this #bullshit... I am speechless.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, that's how it is. When the $BST reaches your wallet, the inner Chuck Norris breaks free. You can see it yourself.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I finally found my purpose in this life.
This is class 😂😂
It is nice to see a post like this that doesn't take things too seriously... having said that....
I'm 1000% in for the airdrop sir. Where presale sir? How do I purchase this unique crypto product sir? When moon/lambo sir?
I've had a few true shitcoin experiences with lashings of #Bullshit dropped on my head during the last bullrun in the ICO craze. One of these con-coin projects I invested in came from a recommendation from a major steem account called oracle-d (now disapeared off the face of the planet).
... I love the smell of bullshit in the morning!
Time to document some of these experiences in a post as a cautionary tale to the whole Leofinacne community 😂
Challenge accepted!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Drop your experience and share it. Use #BULLSHIT and get $BST $BST $BST
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
OMG... $BTS is taking off to the moon!!!
My $BTS airdrop is now worth more than my rune!
I'll be buying that Lambo real soon,
but first I'm going on hive engine this afternoon...
and buying up all the BTS like a loon.
Thanks for making me whale of prodigious project sir!
Thank you for being part of our absolutely pointless project! We bet that you will not help us and never get any benefit from $BST.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Done... and done. Took me an extra day to summon up the courage to share me shitcoin story, but now I'm glad I did.
drum roll...
Hope you enjoy. I did a little shameless promotion for #bullshit token in the post... but it is mainly about the journey, you know 🤔🤓
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I read it and I'm not a bot!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Proof it:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Get me some $BST, please!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok, hope this was fast enough. Welcome!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i skipped all the text, i want my Bullshit tokens. because as we say, if it is free even vinegar is sweet.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I understand that - would have done it the same way, of course. I congratulate you on behalf of all mankind!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
the mankind is much better now.
I was gonna upvote 100% but its all #bullshit. I was gonna reblog this but its all #bullshit. I was gonna tell my friends and family but they've had enough of my #bullshit. They've probably had enough of your #bullshit too. lol But, as another poster already said, since the team..err...intern is so solid, I guess I can handle a little #bullshit if you're dishing it out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That makes sense! We would like to honor this anti-effort with 5x
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is BY FAR the funniest post (including the replies) that I have ever read on LeoFinance. Congrats guys! Making crypto fun again (MCFA - put it on a hat!)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We almost have poop in our pants. Thank you for your sympathy. <3
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well someone shat in my wallet! Thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What a shitty project - i can't wait to APE into this one ...
So today i dicosvered @proofofbrain and now some bullshit to go with it - my luck is definitely looking up ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When we talk about the Chuck Norris of shitcoins, we mean the Chuck Norris of shitcoins.
You my friend - are in crypto heaven
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Love it. I laughed all the way through 🤣
And you may be surprised. Bullshit (and cowshit) is very good fertiliser for growing organic food. There's a market out there. Fortunately when I bought my property I found a layer of dried #bullshit about 12 inches thick covering the floor. It's doin wonders for my veggies. Anyway, I placed a buy order for 5 $BST :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are a true Shitcoin pioneer! This must be honored.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted via D.BuzzWell, trading in $BST has begun. I had a chance to sell at 3 HIVE, but i don't believe in this #bullshit trading for profit, i'm a #bullshitHODL'r, well at least until price is over 50 HIVE anyway :-). How can i earn more $BST?
Y see, this guy knows at which price to sell $BST:
That's our mentality!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You can earn more $BST by posting about your Shitcoin & Bullshit experiences within the crypto world.
Make sure to tag your post with #leofinance and #bullshit - so our intern will be able to find you ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted via D.BuzzNo, i didn't sell, i'm a #bullshitHODL'r!
Posted via D.Buzzmaybe the #bullshit use-case could be widened to include #bullshitexchanges as well as #bullshitcoins. Keeping Cryptobuyers safe from scams with #bullshit $BSC!
Honestly - we are open for all kinds of bullshit- should only have something to do with financial topics / cryptos, otherwise we sink into a bottomless pit :D
We mined a bigger turd and ask you to help us distribute it. Our intern is overseeing it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
lol. Well it was certainly a fun read. Team looks solid.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Before taking pictures extra been to the hairdresser. (Stand eh on, but we have at least timed).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Best. Logo. Ever.
Seriously, it was everything it said it would be. I haven't really seen a better logo of anything ever (so many layers and interpretations perfectly fitting). And the best part is I don't think logos matter whatsoever, so it wouldn't have mattered if you hadn't done it. Right from the start the intern shows perfect commitment to the project's purpose.
Brilliant execution of everything. Loved the team at first sight. Actually read through the entire post. And I loved the mission.
I have no intention of following any further news from this shittiest, stupidest idea that sounds like it was put together in an afternoon, but I'll follow you anyways, in case I want some good dose of self-irony, or a real good reminder for the meaninglessness of it all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is exactly why our attention was here! Leaving important things undone to have time for the unimportant things in life.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol, I guess that really is a new definition of "solid" fundamentals! This needs to be listed on doiownashitcoin.com!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Make it to appear over there and our intern will send you 500 $BST. They are worth nothing so it's a really good deal..
..for us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is absolutely fantastic. A few things: (1) reminds me of HORScoin NFTs that I made on the WAX blockchain where the coin is worth one "horse apple": https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/template/monkeyaround/14262 (infinite quantity, backed by nothing, minted at whim). Get a free one at https://nefties.com/pages/free.html (2) Don't sell yourself short. There is always a use-case in delving out bulls---. (3) I recently made the LUV token with the sole use-case of sending LUV. I love this project, so I just sent you 100 LUV.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We already have one true Shitcoin pioneer on board - so with you we already have two! You have received 10 BULLSHIT Token and the request to distribute them to your Shitcoin friends.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hah! Will do. :)
This was a great break from my shitty week.
I love the random distribution system, I hope it becomes a thing.
I also like 100% chance of it going up, down, or sideways. I'll take those odds any day!
I'm already bullish on #Bullshit!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congrats! You are a $BST Holder. Feeling insane? We know!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is this still the same bs we talked about? I like the logo.
Does Steem count as shitcoin to be presented? Does Bitcoin Cash qualify?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Now this is the real, the true bullshit. Doesn't really have anything to do with our conversations. But it could be a preparation for something we wrote about.
I think Steem and Btrash are also in good hands in this category haha.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bullshit Token already my number 6 in value of Tokens I hold! dang I really need to make some more...
I don't wanna post about Steemshit and Shitcoin Cash though because I pretty much did that just recently.
I can talk a lot of bullshit on stuff like politics, but Im not sure if that counts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is not a shitcoin.... It has 5 great uses from what I can see....
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorry, but we have to deny this quite clearly. The futility of our project is above all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
OMG I'm so stocked about this! ;) I can't wait until I receive some bullshit too!
Btw. do you have any plans yet for shitcoinminers (I suggest the name "BSTSCOOP")? Or should I just start scooping my local macerator instead?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We would consider such a miner whose holding results in a consistent decrease in their own $BST holdings. Otherwise, we see the risk of adding value after all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's bullshit!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I liked 2.1.2
I would love to receive some tokens from the intern to be part of my wallet along with dozens of other useless tokens
look at this brilliant project @carlosro
I see you are spreading the word. Our intern should double your Rewards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My Sunday actually just got better... this is truly a project whose time has come!
Best enjoyed while squatting...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's the way it works!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Gimme more..:)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You got more!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would love to have another token in my portfolio, adorei o simbolo do #bullshit
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You have another
in your portfolio!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I read this. It was quite good. I have read many ICO's that promised a lot more and delivered... well, it's too soon for $BST.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really, you read the whole article? R y human?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL... yes, I am human. #BULLSHIT token to the moon!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
to much text
give me dat bullshit
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ai Sir!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm an interested investor but how do I know this isn't just one of those dump and dump schemes?
It's one of those dump and dump and dump even more schemes. That's what makes it so sexy!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
lol! so you did produce BST. I like the idea but couldn't figure out what was going on till the end. What's funny is it's possible to actually take BS coin and profit from them. I've seen it done several times. I'll hold a few BST! Nice article, Funny!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Selling below 50 USD is a criminal offense.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Dammit someone beat me to it... I wanted to create the first truly useless token. This is bullshit. I guess I can use all that money I saved from not buying bitconnect to invest in some serious bullshit. I believe in your mission!
This is way worse than bitconnect. Stronk Buy-Signal!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
WOOHOO that's fantastic news,Now I know I'm gonna be Hoddlin this shit to the bank. Now Take my Money $$$ $BST
I call Bullshit
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I say Bull... You say...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm looking forward to diamond-handing some bullshit tokens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
^ Jack Paperhand Redcandle likes this!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will hold this token , I will wait for technology to mine "gold" from shit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sure, let's grab a tee and wait.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol really funny but I would love to have some tokens please..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok, I sent you 10. If you send this 10 Tokens to 10 random people I will send you another 25 Tokens. If you send this Tokens to 25 random people I will send you another 50 Tokens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
that's interesting, will do that soon
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for this brilliant project !Well I defecally want my stake of #bullshit too, I won't poo well if I don't.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is your steak of BULLSHIT! Stay stronk!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks ! I will sell 1 at a discount but will keep the rest safely till #bullshit is mooning :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is allready one $BST discounted:
Maybe you can go for 69419!
But got your point and put 1 BST at 69419.
Well that was a scandalous attempt to get more #bullshit :D Why can't I sell fraction of #bullshit though ? :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We thought it would be of more use if $BST is divisible. That is why we decided against it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha that makes a lot of sense !
I wasn't expecting less from the board :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's discounted because its in the lowest part of that #bullshit picture.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha... this is great. Good luck with the shittiest project out there. Just reading this has filled me with the urge to deficate.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Take it, go!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wanted to believe this isn't all bullshit but it is. If I get money for every bullshit I read on the internet, I'd just get a lot of bullshit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We hate to say it, but you just didn't believe strongly enough.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There's an anime reference for that line but I can't recall what it was. I'm just tired of believing. I just wanna be happy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Here - this one's on the house:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We hate to say it, but you just didn't believe strongly enough.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hold many bullshit tokens that would make me a billionaire if the quantity were in dollars.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There must be a misunderstanding here. There is only one true BULLSHIT token and it just landed in your wallet!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I loved. You said shit, so I'm in, sure, send one to me
This sound's like a legit deal! Our intern does not like following orders, so he sent you 2 $BST! CONGRATS!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is $XRP #bullshit coin?
So, i advised a friend new to crypto to buy $BTC & swap some for $HIVE. Said friend instead swapped all the BTC for #XRP
XRP still a little below the buy price, BTC is currently 4 x the buy price!
Trying to persuade friend to sell swap XRP for HIVE and $LEO (#leofinance). I can't remember where i read, several months ago, about XRP being a #bullshit coin. If anyone has info to share re. XRP being good or bad, i would be grateful.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well if XRP isn't a shitcoin then I don't know anymore.
About your colleague - is he looking for a job by any chance? Sounds like he would be perfect for the board of $BST!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, the friend(s) are actually a couple, and i guess they made the decision together. I will ask if they are interested :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Look here, found a great example for #Bullshit :
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Honestly this might be a good primer on "shitcoins versus altcoins versus memecoins" for people who want a sort of "cultural" onboarding to the different types of projects. And I genuinely like the token logo y'all have!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I stopped reading after "good" and just sent you your $BST. We want to avoid being tempted by a too good idea to develop a use case after all. But thanks for your support.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Please fill my bags with #bullshit. Right now I just have little baggies with some dried up little dog poos. I would much prefer if they were big fat sacks full of sloppy cow poo. My dog will also appreciate it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The Shit arrived dude. Take a bath.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a broken watch, 7 cigarettes and half a pack of m&m's, how many tokens can I get?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think Steem could be considered a shit-coin today. I mean if nodes depend on the database which can set balances to zero and have then what's the point?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think steem could be a Shitcoin - not so sure about it. I visited a few times in the last months and it's... well... too much chinese and different asian languages lmao
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Heres the comment
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Here is the $BST.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Reminds of a token called "Useless token" or something created during the ICO craze which told people not to buy it and it went moon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea I guess there were different tokens like this. One was called Useless Ethereum Token and made a mil or alike.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's the one I meant, thanks for reminding me!
Hope this may not be my last #bullshit encounter! But may have to post some "proof of bullshit" soon in hopes of more #bullshit.. Great to have such simplicity to not expect or want anything more from the team and know that are not going to do any work instead of looking for something. Please send me somes #BST! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bullshit Token? In all seriousness, this post sounds like NO BULLSHIT to me. Congratulations, you made my day!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm so glad I saved your day yesterday. Do you want to return the favor and save today for me?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes @st8z, sure. Please let me know how I can help!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta