After end of the world from the last week, a new hope is born!
I received three seedlings as a gift from a friend
They are not a variety, but ordinary seeds found in weed purchased from a dealer. Cannabis bought this way is mostly cultivated on the hills of Albania and imported to Croatia.
In the past, quality was very poor and price was very low.
For last decade the quality has improved significantly,
and (lucky guess) the price has risen also.
30€ for 5g
Yesterday I transplanted gifted seedlings into fabric pots and placed them in temporary vegetation box under LED.
During watering a bit of root complex is added, just in case.
My box was constructed for automatics and some adjustments has to be done now. Just make it bigger and the ventilation system needs to be rearranged according to volume change.
That is not so hard work and it will be finished soon.
When plants are settled in main box then week counter will start.
A friend has a habit of collecting seeds from the tops that brutally gets him high or ones that gets him stoned as hell, which is more likely.
It's gonna be surprise when time comes.
He planted them in pots on the balcony among other balcony flowers. This year there was no winter here and it is springily warm for a whole month for now, and this year he planted them earlier then usually.
Lucky me!
As I said he gifted me with three seedlings approx. month old.
Also he trained them with HST method, maybe a week ago. In case that he didn't top them I definitely would!
There is obvious difference in reactions after HST among all three plants.
After a disappointing last week in a new one I'm heading full of optimism and joy!
I will cultivate three photo periodic plants.
Germination was on balcony, direct in ground more than a month ago. They are toped and soon after transplanted. Now they are under 3 LED bulbs (9W/6500K).
Not a brilliant situation and I will try ASAP to place them in normal box.
My dreams are that two of three will be females.
Dreamy buds will have highly stoned effect.
Effort must be made.
My summer stash depends on it.
See you soon
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Thank you for sharing this great #cannabis, #gardening, #gaming content, You have been manually Upvoted by @skylinebuds, Feel free to come share all your gardening content in theLooking good, Kind of young to top, But you got plans for mad training?
4th floor was toped. Definitely mad training. Probably I will test 8 hours flowering.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm seeing this post on weedcash btw. Cool gift! Looking forward to seeing more. Btw you could always just post directly from the weedcash community on hive if you have issues.
Tnx. It more my inattention then issue
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Thanks for tips and for constructive comment.
I will check definitely.
They are bigger then you think. The smallest one is just stunted.
Topping was on 4th floor. In transplantation I moved everything under 4th floor from stem and dig everything deep in dirt. Roots are on bottom half of pot. And pots are 11L.
I stayed on automatics scheme with only one transplantation and don't see need to have more. Especially when max pot is 11L.
My support for stage replanting if there is difference in volumes and end pot has big volume. These pots are perfect for topped plants around 60-90 cm height.
I have only one pic taken just before harvest. Seed was after germination placed in same pot. Check it in blast from past post :)
They are more then month old, if I didn't decided to extend box they would already be under 600W SON T PIA Plus ;)
"Hopefully and subsequent grows you can track down good mold mildew resistance strains to work with because that is just the best starting point." --- I cant translate or understand this, can you please try to explain?
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Now I undarstand what you are talking about. Thanks for detailed explanation :)
I never had problems with mold or any kind of pests but till now I was always buying seeds. Will se what is gonna be this time. Growing for myself lets me financially to everytime buy new seeds and never try cloning. I thought about it but decided to maybe consider it again when I get old and have more free time and space.
From my first indoor grow ever I use Hesi products for regulating health, development and income.
In Croatia we have totally different problems with growing than you folks: )
And they are not bejbies anymore now they are teenager's :D
I will post updates regularly and would like to hear your opinions.
When you put cloning in that context it definitely should be only way to grow.
But in reality cannabis is forbidden by law almost everywhere and automatics (without discussion about mixing ruderalis to get them) are great product for households. Maybe best choice for small balconys.
I see your point in regarding genetics of original strains but that's what humans do best.
How much space do you need for cloning?
In Croatia, as I am aware, cloning is only used by organizations that with minimal invest wants to earn a bunch of money on blackmarket.
And leak of support for seed companies would leave a lot of people unemployed, with that economic would crash. :D
I totally support cloning and preservation of original strains not just for cannabis. Everything that was made by nature should be preserved and not degenerated but also there should be room for masses to be able every 3nonth to buy different seeds and enjoy in those little things.
I didn't know info for Afganistan strain thanks for sharing that with me.