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RE: Is Facebook Destined To Be The Like AOL?

in LeoFinance4 years ago


I can't even read this post before ranting about what came to mind when I saw the introduction.

There's a podcast called The 90s Sucked on the Unpopular Opinion (Unpops?) network that did a show about those fucking discs, and one of the facts of the show that really stood out was that for either 2 weeks or 2 months AOL bought every blank cd that was manufactured in the world to print those fucking discs.

Music artists, audiobooks, consumers at large sat on their hands for 2 somethings waiting for blank cds while AOL crop dusted the whole planet with those fucking discs.

They were everywhere. If you rented a movie or shopped for groceries, there were free AOL discs at the checkout and scattered throughout the store.

AOL did testing to see if they would hold up under harsh environmental conditions to so they could pack them in boxes of Omaha Steaks.

And I think what I think is actually funny about it, is through the eyes of history they will be seen as the confetti left over from the party humanity threw when we invented the internet.

Anyway, I'm gonna give this post another shot. I hope the rest is as inspiring. :D