interesting. I have found my earnings increase above the 10 hbd, plus the 10 hbd is used to purchase LEO so it drives up the value of the token that i earn on the platform.
thanks for your feedback
interesting. I have found my earnings increase above the 10 hbd, plus the 10 hbd is used to purchase LEO so it drives up the value of the token that i earn on the platform.
thanks for your feedback
Also, those who spend money to earn more end up being the same people who sell more pushing the value down while thinking they're pushing it up. Cutting one end of the rope off, tying it to the other end, then thinking the rope is longer.
i agree that happens on Hive a lot but that is not how the LEO whitepaper works, thanks for stopping by
You have 240 premium members. The next 240 have to share votes with the previous 240. Split 480 = fewer earnings. Split 1000 ways = less. Delegate HP for one year, subtract $120. That's your real APR. Some won't break even.
Logic dictates those who gain/earn more will eventually be the ones selling more. Unless the system keeps them locked in, spinning the hamster wheel. It becomes rational to remain outside the cage at that point in order to benefit.
Another thing, Premium claiming to boost visibility and engagement. If 250 premium accounts get boosted to the same place, they all blend in together. If premium don't talk to basic accounts, that's just paying for acceptance. Lame
ok you seem to be very frustrated. I love being able to have long threads (more characters) and the ability to edit my threads so it is worth it to me.
TBH you sould like a bitter hive person instead of a LEO person enjoying the building.
I wish you the best
"A bitter Hive person instead of a LEO person." That's lame. You sound frustrated and bitter. I'm not bothered if I can't be part of your clique, especially if it's because I spoke my mind and didn't pay to be a friend.
I actually do enjoy the site. Use it all the time and have a lot of respect for this crowd even though I don't always agree with them. I started out saying I don't need shoes in order to be able to walk. So I'll keep walking.
See you around dude. Next time it'll be on better terms.
I'm not frustrated at all. Simply pointing out what I see. There's no need to resort to acting petty. You asked. I answered. I'm not bothered that others do it, nor am I insulting you for paying.
Those weren't even complaints. Just observations. Based in reality. I'm not losing sleep over it, nor do I see a reason to pay for things that don't make sense to me. That shouldn't be an issue.
I don't post but when I do, it's for an audience. My audience doesn't really exist on this platform. Different market. I can still buy the tokens and let everyone else spend the money to push the value up. It's more efficient.