
That is good to know.

I just do not think we can overcome the next wave of AI accounts without requesting permanent commitment beyond monthly Premiums. There will always be an AI attack vector open to spontaneous Stake formation wielded by an anon crowd of unknown nature.

Posted via D.Buzz

So in your case you are talking about. Spontaneous Stake Formation is equal to inflation ?

No, more like somebody using a local AI and some basic Networking to run a bunch of "Accounts" / wallets and we can not tell if they are human or not.

Making Wallets "trusted" is the magic sauce for all Social Media in the Internet, especially in the near future, but it was basically always been. That is why has never allowed you to be anon. You can be an authentic human or a business page, no grey zone. They didn't find a different way to solve the trust question. X did the same recently, no Premium without "direct" Creditcard payment, no Premium+ without Creditcard and ID. Therefore the Blue Checks are supposed to be trusted IDs of real humans.

Most of the content moderation that offboarded accounts was due to the suspicion of reward farming, right?

Well, if smaller accounts who wants to push the limits could just post as "stake their reward payments soulbound", what would happen to that problem? poof

The content moderation that offboarded accounts was due to old Steem whales that used bid bots to increase their stake wanting everyone to confirm to them.
I don't even worry about that stuff.
Hive as a chain has out grown blogging.
It is only used for inflation farming.
Inflation is heading down and those accounts will have less and less impact over time.
I truly don't care about them or the content moderation or the downvoting. It is 2017/2018 thinking.
I see the chain being used for non blogging and those people either dying off or cashing out or the amount of hive they are dumping will be bought up off the exchanges / powered up and they will have no voice anymore.
That is the future I am building.
Like I told someone else what happens if I start buying $50K USD in Hive every month ? How does the chain look then ?
Plus a lot of them are getting up in age. I would no be surprised to see some of those accounts to become dormant off that issue alone.
So i don't worry about AI.

Yes, that "Flight forward" mentality. If the car is bad on roads, maybe it can swim better? Very progressive way of thinking, very IT where everything can be coded into realitiy. As a business manager I have to advice not to do it, because markets and human do not work like that. Business momentum is not a myth, if you throw furniture like your mission and vision out of the window chances are the room will stay empty after that.

Hive has not outgrown the blogging part as main onboarding and stake distribution process. I know that people, especially some of the witnesses think that is the way to go forward. Yet ever since that path was put into focus, the userbase and general activity has been steadily declining.

To take you serious, what is the current Mission Statement of this Blockchain?

to become the Immutable Human Readable Digital Ownership database of truth.
That is the value we bring.
Blogging is one small part.
I don't care about the shrinking user base.
Myself and others have not even tried to onboard people yet.
Onboarding through blogging is a failed system.

I run a couple of very succesful business not on Blockchain.
Building for the future does work. Just look at Nvidia they did a complete pivot in just the last 2 years.

We need to stop trying to market Hive.
The biggest issue has been no listings anywhere.
That is changing.

Well I was informed that the Hive Blockchain wants to answer the calls for an immutable Digital ID and Freedom of Expression.

And all the time I was wondering why none had been working on that, besides the Speak Network that is. Well, now it seems my understanding is getting clearer. Thanks to your effort to explain it.

This was very interesting.
