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RE: LeoThread 2023-11-23 14:35

in LeoFinance11 months ago

I just want to say #hive is very stable. #hive-engine is. not.
Hive-engine is not Hive.
it is a side chain
if more people built on hIve and not Hive-engine it would be better


even Hive has been having node issues lately too. constantly trying to pick one that is stable has been a chore. it's not just hive engine.

APIs have been unstable a fair bit in our experience, we need to do better.

What nodes you using? I've just stuck to @deathwing's node and have had basically no issues other than the occasional posts being behind, which hasn't happened in a few months.

I have not noticed that.
but I do run my own node.
So what we need is more people to run nodes.
and just because peakd has issues for a few days doesnt mean Hive did its just a front end

ok but what are the apps most people use?

peakd is up there. so if they are having issues but we are telling the world to come.....and it's an awful experience. i mean, it's pretty clear this stuff needs to get fixed for good.

for good? it is on the apps to do that.
that is like saying well facebook went down lets get AWS to solve it for them.
either make your own / hold the app team accountable or teach what other interfaces are out there

and that's my much does AWS go down? lol Now compare that to the issues that constantly plague the nodes here. Without a strong foundation a building cannot be built.

the front ends need to build better roll over to other nodes.
so a dapp issue not a hive issue

you have to be careful when you say Hive is having issues verus dapps on hive.
the chain is very stable and FUD around it not being spreads and hurts onboarding

lol yeah i think what hurts onboarding is that apps cant connect to nodes properly and the experience is awful as a user, people get frustrated and leave.

agreed. but that is the apps fault not the chain.
they should run a node and be responible or build in better roll over node techniques.
So we need to be more critical of dapp teams and not just FUD "hive issues"

oh i have every right to be critical lol i have spent 5 plus years of my life, dedicated to this blockchain. lol

and all i have seen as a response to anything node related is...

'change your node' as a response.

when 99.9% of the population doesnt even know what a node is. it's a silly answer to a larger problem.

becuase the apps didn't build in roll overs.
that is NOT a chain issue
you want to say "it hasn't imporved in 5 years"
yes it has if you can't see the improements.. smh

i have no idea what you are referring to. i'm not saying hive sucks lol i'm saying the user experience needs to be front and center. and instead of telling apps to fix it, the problem is both on them and on the fact these nodes are always having issues.