I actually feel the US will fight crypto until the very end just like China is doing.
I feel US citizens will be left behind in the new age that is coming.
If you have read the 4th turn and understand turns (in relation to history of the world) this next turn will the US behind.
As far as Hive being truly decentralized, I would have to side with more decentralized than most.
I also feel this question would have to relate to the exact way you interact with the chain.
I still have some issues on top 20 witnesses and 30 votes but this topic has been discussed many many times.
I feel the real future of cyrpto/blockchains and the world is building the IBC protocol out so all blockchains can talk to each other.
This will allow for smaller more focused chains and for decentralization across the new 3.0 internet that is entirely built on blockchains.