Has the market top already been been and gone?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello folks, are you still HODLING all your crypto's? I am and I'll tell you why. It's not because I understand the market's, it's not that I think that BTC will moon and carry the rest of the crypto market along with it, it's because im an idiot that can't sell. I see BTC 12x and ETH x15 from Mar 2020 and think it's going more, BTC has not even broken into 6 figures yet FFS, plenty of gas left in the tank. At least I know im an idiot which is more than I say for most.


There are alot of scared investors out there in crypto land this week (PUSSIES!), they see the prices of everything they hold dear get destroyed and shit themselves, "OH NO, SHIB is down 30%, I better panic sell". All the time the whales are snapping it up knowing that another huge run is on the cards. They know because they are the ones pumping the market, it's not that hard if you have access to shit tons of money and have no ethics. Now, im a simple man and I can not see these tops and bottoms as they come and go like these trader smart pants people. When BTC first hit $65k in May, I thought we were headed to $150k but it dropped by more than 50% and I thought, hmmm...weird. And then around 1 month back, the SOB BTC hit a fresh new time high and again I thought, we're headed to $150k here but here we are today and it's dropped 30% since that point so right now im just like fuck it. It goes to $1 million someday, im rich as a motherfucka and if it goes to zero, I'll carry a grudge/chip on my shoulder around if what could have been. baa-hahaha


I ain't selling shit until BTC is over $100k, ETH is over $8k are HIVE is over $3. That's my game plan and im sticking to it. I could not care less if BTC hits $400k, ETH hits $20k and HIVE moonshots to $8-10 per token. If them prices come in, im out and i'll be happy with my profits. Selling at those prices should let me buy back in cheaper after the ass falls out of crypto and we head into another crypto winter.

Let's all pray to Plan B and pray his STF model is not broken.

I have added in a line doddle to repeat what happened very roughly in 2013 and 2017. The model is normally pretty good at giving a rough idea of where BTC is. I look at it and im baffled, confused and left thinking, when will it smash that red line that represents around $88k. If the top is already in, this model is fucked and BTC will be under $20k this time next year. It'll be back to eating boiled rice topped with fried eggs & spicy ketchup for a few years to accumulate more BTC and ETH. No steak for SSUK 😭


So to all you smarty pant traders out there, what's the craic? what's happening and what will happen in the short term? Do you think the top is in already are do you think there are still weeks or even months left before we see the market top?


Im just going to HODL my bags for now and wait. If I've missed it, whatever, I'll wait another 4-5 years and BTC will smash a couple hundred thousand and then it'll be too much to not cash out. House prices by then will probably have 3x'd and we'll have a few $10 trillion+ companies on the stock market as inflation continues to, well inflate the prices of property and stocks. Why no pumping the silver and gold? 😂


For those who have been around since 2017, does it feel the same as 2017? I mean this bullrun. I remember 2017 being crazy, we have way more stuff now with defi and NFT's but on HIVE, I feel like it's just the same olds faces and no new fresh ones. In 2017, tons of new users joined STEEM, this time around, not so many. Maybe it is the same and i just dont see it as i dont post that much anymore.


Anywho, what's your thought's on where the crypto markets are at right now


HI SSUK! I put 2000 in GODS , and now I feel a bit stupid ;) but HODL as it was in HIVE before so free money ! Merry X-mas to you and the family!

Bout ye!!

What's GODS? game?

Thank brother and the same back, wish you and your family are brilliant time over the next holiday season 😀

GODS is the token of the game gods unchained in beta version. Available on coinbase.

I honestly think that we're NOT on the top yet. But that we do have an extended cycle. I wasn't here in 2017, but I'm told that in the 2017 bull run there were 13 drops from 30% or more! Did we have that yet? 13 huge drops from 30% or more? I don't think so, but then I have to say, I didn't count them, and sure not calculated them.

But look at it this way, the 2013 bull run from halving day to top was 300+ days, in 2017 it took 500+ days to do the same. This leads to thinking that this bull run will need 700+ days from halving day to top. And if you count 700+ days from the halving day forward ... you'll end up in 2022, somewhere between January / September.

This theory is not what I have thought out, I have to credit 360_trader on Twitter for that, but to me, it does make a lot of sense! Especially when you look at what the price of Bitcoin was in 2013, there was so much less capital required for Bitcoin to go parabolic, in 2017 it was more, but by far not the same as it is now. You honestly can not expect a market to grow that exceptional in a short time. But that's my opinion ... yeah, as we all know ... I'm not specialized by any means.

So I could be very wrong here, and maybe we did have the top ... All I know is that I'm not selling anything now either.

Yeah, i agree, the cycles are getting longer. i have a feeling Feb will be it but that's a pure guess. lol

I'm a HODLER like you. Well, almost like you, as I did sell 10% of the holdings to fund other ventures that till the moment seems to be the wise choice.

Now, I'm running a more aggressive strategy, aiming for a token amount target, if this is reached, the profit from that token, if it is generating profit is divided in 3, 1/3 is increasing the stake, 1/3 goes into stables with profit and 1/3 goes into new projects with a possibility of 5x-10x in a short time.

!PIZZA & !BEER for your holdings mate!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Smart plan, i find making a simple plan and sticking to it works best. It might not be sexy but it gets the job done and you'll see your wallets grow


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(5/6) @alexvan tipped @silverstackeruk (x1)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza.

I don't think it's over. As we get more institutional money in the crypto markets, we're going to reflect the traditional markets more and more. I think we'll see a turnaround in January with the start of a new fiscal year.

I have a feeling Feb could be the month but that's a pure guess. This new COVID strain is still playing with the markets as many countries are on the edge of lockdowns.

The little news I've seen on the new COVID suggest it is a more infectious, yet milder version. It may be the natural vaccine that ends the whole matter. We'll have to wait on more data.

Its certainly possible, the amount of chart/price damage and market exhaustion is difficult to return from. There is no trend what so ever, id say its over personally.

It's hard to know, the bullrun has been pretty good so far and long as well. If it's not over, i think it'll pop soon.

Thanks for checking out the post and dropping some feedback.