Why promote the Dash Integration?

in LeoFinance4 months ago (edited)

Dear Hiveans:

Someone asked me the other day about the Hive/Dash integration.

  • They see it as promoting Dash.
  • So they asked a very poignant question:

Why would we promote or embrace the Dash Community?

  • Then they made three statements, which bear answering:
  • They are not our tribe right?
  • We don't need to help them, right?
  • We need to keep all our hive for ourselves, right?
  • I think all three statements are false.

My Answers are

  • They are our tribe! Our tribe is everyone who wants to learn about blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Hive.
  • We need to help everyone who seeks to embrace the blockchain, cryptocurrency, social finance and especially those who wish to embrace Hive.
  • We can't keep all the Hive to ourselves. That's not how DPOS on Hive and Inleo works. The more Hive/Leo you try to hoard, the more oportunities to make Hive/Leo you miss.
  • This platform we call Hive, was created by Dan Larimer over 8 years ago as Steemit, and was designed to be an abundance economy, not a scarcity economy.

What is an abundance economy?

  • It's an economy where there is no scarcity, because the thing you seek: Hive, is made everyday and flows into the reward pool and out to people who are active, or staking, or delegating, posting, or commenting, or Threading.... every day.

Lets do the Math...

  • So the more people you upvote, the more 50% upvotes come back to you.
  • And there is a statistically significant chance that they will upvote you, and people who watch you upvote others will upvote you.
  • But if you only upvote yourself, you only get 50% of the upvote AND there is a ZERO statistical chance of anyone upvoting you, because there is no one to receive your vote and vote back, and there is no one to see your vote and vote you back.
  • See How that works?

You actually make more money by upvoting others and building a network of people who upvote you.

How does this apply to Dash?

  • Well, just like any new recruit to Hive, they make us bigger, more diverse, more content creators, more content consumers, more people powering up Hive or more people trading Hive on exchages.
  • This is all good for Hive and in these respects people from the Dash Community are the same as new recruits to crypto.
  • But Dash Community Members are different from typical Newbites to Crypto.
  • Most of our Newbies have to learn Hive, and learn blockchain, cryptocurrency, staking, delegation, etc... it's overwhelming.
  • The Dash community tends to be much more crypto native, or crypto savy, thus they already understand blockchain, cryptocurrency and all the other stuff about crypto and crypto finance.
  • And they already understand Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
  • So learning Hive will be much easier for them.
  • Honestly, I believe Newcomers to Hive, from Dash, will be much less likely then Newbies to wilt in the heat of learning Hive.
  • So I expect the retention rate to be very high, and since the User Interface designed by Inleo is intuitive and easy, I expect them to stay longer then typical Newbies.
  • Dash represents a community of people who can come here, learn to post their content, attract people from their network and Hive grows.
  • Additionally, if we engage them, they meet people here, they join those people's networks, and those people on Hive get more engagement, more friends, more knowledge, and more upvotes, which means more earnings eventually.
  • Plus more demand for the token Hive may improve demand for the token, boosting the price.
  • There certainly will be more people selling the token, which means more people earning the token, which means lots of non-Dash Hive people earning curation rewards from comments and posts of Dashers they upvote.
  • The math checks out, more people, more upvotes, more earnings...win-win.
  • We gain and they gain, and the platform gets bigger and more widely known.
  • It's called cross-pollenation in social media platform building, and we have a big advantage over every other non-blockchain social media platform trying to attract people and build their platform: We pay.

Last words..

  • No need to close the doors and lock up the valuables.
  • We are not under seige and no one is coming to take your Hive away.
  • But if they come, and if we welcome them, we build a bigger and better Hive.
  • Plus we will be helping people, who are part of our tribe, the cryptocurrency tribe.
  • They are us. Fellow earthlings fleeing the corrupt and dying Fiat System for something better.
  • They are one of us


About the author @shortsegments

  • I am a former cryptocurrency miner of Ether and Z-Cash, and a former builder and runner of masternodes. I have spent the last 6 plus years immersed in this new technology called blockchain, cryptocurrency, decentralized finance and smart contracts. I have learned a lot, but there is still much to learn.

About Inleo and Hive.

  • Inleo is a subcommunity of Hive, and Hive is a 8 year old Social Finance Community on the Hive Blockchain, where transactions are fast and free.

  • The main thing you need to know is unlike other social media platforms, here you can get paid, you own your account, your content and your network of friends and followers.

  • You can Join Hive for Free with this free referral link: JOIN4FREE

  • You can create an account and start posting, commenting, threading and earning Hive, Leo or Dash without spending any money.

  • That probably sounds like a scam.

  • You should be suspicious of any claims like this.

  • But the truth is we, the community, want people to join us and grow our community.

  • We win when others join.

  • So we make it easy to join and we try to show some love to newcomers so they feel at home.

  • We are this way because it is a win-win.

  • We win, when you win.

  • We community grows, our networks grow, our followers grow, and our earnings grow.

  • So we want you here because it makes our community better and potentially our earnings grow.

  • I hope the honesty of this statement doesn't shock you, but instead I hope you find it refreshing.

  • Plus you risk only your time, and you can spend it here where you may get paid, or elsewhere where you won't get paid.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice post 🤓

#dash #Digitalcash $DASH @dashpay

I am optimistic that this is plus for Hive as a whole. We have been bleeding users a long time now and here we get access to people already in crypto and who get an instant incentive 👏👏

Hive has multiple projects seeking to build the membership attracting people new to crypto, and anyone who has recruited newbies to crypto to HIve has seen the difficulty in learning blockchain, crypto, and HIve all at once. That plus the grind it is to build a network and long periods where you are an unknown result in many peoplenot surviving a year. Resulting in abandoned accounts. I hope this time things will be different.

Every time there is a new update like this and new things are added to the project, we all must support them, it makes the community bigger and much more then we can get benefits.

I agree. We should always support efforts to make Hive bigger and add people to our community.

Growing our userbase should always be encouraged.

Agreed. Thanks for stopping by, and I am glad to hear you are back and intend to be more active.