Leofinance: what, how and why.
In this post I give you an overview, which is based on my two years on this platform.
#What is Leofinance
#How to join, it’s easy!
#Why join this platform?
Leofinance is more then a blogging platform, as you see in the picture below, there is a blogging platform, a decentralized exchange, a blockchain statistics application, and soon there will be a micro-blogging platform like a tokenized Twitter where you earn for Tweets, plus decentralized lending and trading are coming this year.
Money versus Community
I know there’s a big emphasis on making money, but Leofinance is more. It’s really a community to learn about crypto, experiment writing and video blogging about crypto. Learn about cryptocurrency including decentralized finance and experience a degree of community engagement and a profit or earning structure, which is the opposite of a Ponzi scheme. Here the people who join first make money by insuring the people who come after them earn also. I go over the platform, the tokens, the income streams and I give you resources to consult. You are getting the benefit of my two years and experience but also plenty of stuff, I have learned from old timers and newcomers alike. Everyone contributes here regardless of their length of time on the platform because we all bring our experiences here.
So be patient, read, engage with people, ask questions and be sure to join the Leofinance Discord! Here!
First, What is Leofinance?
Social Media Meets Web 3.0
LeoFinance is a blockchain-based social media platform for crypto & finance content. Our tokenized blogging app allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning LEO token rewards.
#Source: Leo FAQ
So basically content producers get paid, consumers of content get paid.
Content creators on LeoFinance earn LEO token rewards for publishing blog posts about crypto and finance. Content is stored on the Hive blockchain - which means that it is both immutable and censorship-resistant. As users receive upvotes, they gain more rewards on a Proof of Stake basis.
#Source: Leo FAQ
So the stuff you make belongs to you, and if people don’t like it, they block you, so they don’t have to look at your stuff, or listen to your videos, but your blog with your writing or your videos stays up.
LEO operates on a Proof of Stake model. Users can stake LEO into LEO POWER which gives them influence over the daily rewards pool. The upvote economy allows them to distribute a certain amount of upvotes each day to content creators. Creators and curators split rewards 50/50.
#Source: Leo FAQ
So you get paid for your writing and your videos, plus the people who give you likes or in this platform #UpVotes get paid also.
Do you have a big Twitter or YouTube following?
They can join you hear and still enjoy your content, plus interact with you and your other followers, but they also get paid!
3 Second, Fee-Less Transactions
In order for LeoFinance to be possible, we need to efficiently distribute thousands of LEO per day to hundreds of different content creators. With 0 fees and 3 second tx times, the Hive blockchain provides the suite of tools necessary to run our project.
#Source: Leo FAQ
So stuff happens really fast!
Wrapped LEO (wLEO)
Wrapped LEO is a cross-chain token bridge that connects our native token (LEO) to our ERC20 equivalent token (wLEO). This bridge allows users to stake LEO on the Hive blockchain and earn rewards for content creation and curation. When users are ready to trade LEO or use it for ETH dApps, they can use the cross-chain bridge to seamlessly wrap LEO into wLEO to their ETH address.
#Source: Leo FAQ
So we trade a version of our token on Uniswap to tie its price to Ether, so when Ether price goes up, our token price goes up. It worked.
Tokenized Attention
LeoFinance's long-term model is focused on sustainability. Ads are displayed throughout the pages of our blogging interface. As the site attracts more readers, the ad revenue builds. 100% of ad revenue is used to buy and burn LEO.
#Source: Leo FAQ
We are getting paid for Ads so we can pay the bills.
We are burning hundreds of tokens daily to create scarcity an increase the price
Second, How do you join?
100% Easy 20 Second Sign-up And Free Account
Just like your twitter account there are no charges or fees. You literally just click on sign up, click on Twitter, enter the name you want for your account and you are good to go. You can be posting and commenting in less than a minute. Try it out today and post an introduction post. As you earn crypto you can stake it or trade it for Ethereum or cash it out. Use it to try other dapps as there are some really good Ethereum games in beta right now with a lot more coming.
#Source: Leo FAQ
Sign up is free and easy.
Free, Easy and Fast
Check out how easy it is in this video:
Ethereum Investors Use MetaMask Sign Up
& Earn Ethereum for blogging or Vlogging
Learn How Here: ~~~ embed:1334504633323098113?s=20 twitter metadata:RmluYW5jZUxlb3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9GaW5hbmNlTGVvL3N0YXR1cy8xMzM0NTA0NjMzMzIzMDk4MTEzfA== ~~~
Third, how do you earn?
One way is you write good content about crypto...
here.and people will #Like or #Upvote your content, and in 7 days those votes which are actually cash crypto monies which you can use to pay rent, buy food or pay bills. Learn more
Do you want to read instructions on making your first post? Read here.
The second way is you make good content videos...
hereand people will #Like or #Upvote your content, and in 7 days those votes which are actually cash crypto monies which you can use to pay rent, buy food or pay bills. Learn more
The third way is you buy Leo and stake it,
...so you earn money for Liking or UpVoting content. You get half the value of every vote. Then in 7 days those votes which are actually cash crypto monies which you can use to pay rent, buy food or pay bills. Learn more here and here
The fourth way is you buy Leo Miner Tokens,
these allow you to participate in a special income stream where you earn Leo for staking your miners. It’s sort of a cryptocurrency lottery, but you can calculate how much you reliable earn based on the number of miners you own. Every day you earn crypto monies which you can use to pay rent, buy food or pay bills. Learn key concepts here and here.
The fifth way is delegate..
Delegation is a very special form of investment, where you loan someone money, which they use to make money, and then split the profits with you according to a specific number. Delegation is special because you buy LRO, you stake Leo and you loan Leo Power, but your Leo never leaves your wallet. So you invest your money, but you never lose control of your tokens. Beautiful Right?
It’s perfect if you want to invest your money, but not your time. You get every seven days.
That’s it..
We have finished the overview of Leofinance, and you now have heard the #What is Leofinance,
#How to join and the #Why you should join this platform?
You now know, that Leofinance is more then a blogging platform, it is a blogging platform, a decentralized exchange, a blockchain statistics application, and it will also have a micro-blogging platform and a decentralized lending and trading platform this year.
You have the opportunity to join now, before it’s famous, before the Leo Token becomes expensive and start building your understanding of this promising young ecosystem.
This is the end of this post, but for you, I hope it is a new beginning.
Each day is filled with the potential to start on the path to a new and better life.
Post Credits and Sources
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One also needs to read How to Make Money Blogging Fast.
It is of great help to people who are wishing to learn about Leofinance and all it offers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lovely. Great explanation sir
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
thank you, its great to see you reading this old post!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am publishing on Leofinance.

A promising project!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are a lot of growing opportunities taking place. Those who immerse themselves in Leoinance will find that they are now sitting in a really strong position.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Another write up about What is Leoinance that could help people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great guide for new users
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey...can you give me a valid link invite for LeoFinance on discord?
Thank you for being so engagingly...beautiful!
try this
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much!
Your welcome!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your welcome
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey thanks i had a question that readers can also earn like publish0x and leo its a great platform
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've saved this article. Thank you for writing it! Any newbie might need it for sure!