EasyDeFi: skip the complicated path and go straight to the profits!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

EasyDeFi is the path around the complexity of DeFi going straight to the profits!$ @easydefi

Why go through the maze to get to the profits when you can go around it and straight to the profits using EasyDeFi.

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EasyDeFi is the path around the complexity @easydefi

There's no need to wander in the maze, just send your funds to the pool and your profits are transferred to your wallet every Sunday. It’s that easy, so it’s called EasyDeFi!

EasyDeFi keeps it Simple


To enroll in this pooled investment:

You send a minimum of 250 Leo or a minimum of 125 Hive to @easydefi with memo Group A.

You can invest more than 250 Leo or 125 Hive to start, and after your first minimum investment of 250 Leo or 125 Hive, you can add to it in 50 Leo or 25 Hive increments.

If your not comfortable investing your not alone!

Join other investors like who haven't figured out how to invest in Cubfinance Yield Farms and Staking Pools yet, but who don't want to miss out on the profits.

What if you understand DeFi but want to spend your time doing something else?

Join other investors who let EasyDefi staff do all the work for them, and earnings are sent directly to your Leofinance wallet easy Sunday.

EasyDeFi makes it look easy


Your earnings show up in your wallet on Sunday.
It’s that simple.
It’s that easy.
It’s EasyDeF.You send your money to @easydefi on Monday.

Investors Report Week seven

Investors Report: Week Six Sunday September 12th, 2021


Investments as of Sunday 9/12/2021

Ledger Update with additional investments

@joefinance 2000 @mephistophenes 3750 @quinnertronics 500 @lalai 375 @shortshots 500 @spinvest 1000 @xabi 250 @smallbites 450 @marshmellowman 500

New Total 9325

Investors name abbreviations

@joefinance = JF @mephistophenes = MP @quinnertronics = QT @lalai = LL @shortshots = SS @spinvest = SV @xabi = XA @smallbites = SB @marshmellowman = MM

Earnings for 6th Week 100 Cub was swapped for 200 BLEO -10% (20)= ~180 BLEO earnings

Stake based weekly Bleo Distribution

JF stake 2000/9325 = 0.2145 x 180 = 38.6 Leo
MP stake 3750/9325 = 0.4022 x 180 = 72.4 Leo
QT stake 500/9325 = 0.0536 x 180 = 9.65 Leo
LL stake 375/9324 = 0.04 x 180 = 7.24 Leo
SS stake 500/9325 = 0.0536 x 180 = 9.65 Leo
SV stake 1000/9325 = 0.107 x 180 = 19.3 Leo
XA stake 250/9325 = 0.0268 x 180 = 4.826 Leo
SB stake 450/9325 = 0.0483 x 180 = 8.686 Leo
MM Stake 500/9325 = 0.0536 x 180 = 9.65 Leo

Distributions go out today!

Wallet Transactions today’s transfers





About @shortsegments

Content creator and Writer

Shortsegments is a writer focused on cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible digital tokens or NFTs, and decentralized finance for four years. He has been a Hive community member from the birth of Hive as a hardfork from Steemit. He has earned a reputation of 75, on a scale of 0 to 80, which puts him in the top 300 of over 320,000 Hive accounts.

Blockchains Project Builder

He is also a builder, with two current projects:

No Loss Lottery

The first is the No Loss lottery, a prize linked savings account here on Hive, where all ticket price revenue is invested an account on the yield farm Cubfinance and the weekly earnings from that account are awarded as prizes. These awards are more than 100 Leo in prizes weekly! The No Loss Lottery is 17 weeks old and recent surpassed 4000 tickets sold. @nolosslottery


Where does the pool invest?


Based on Binance Smart Chain, and it’s software code audited by world famous Yield Farm code auditor CertiK. Cubfinance is a fork of PanCakeSwap, which is one of the safest Yield Farms and largest Yield Farms in the world. In a the world of decentralized finance the safety of investors funds is the priority and at Cubfinance safety is job one.

Cubfinance was created by a developer on Hive: @khaleelkazi. The yield farming project is called Cubfinance, and it is 5 months old and has 13.6 million plus USD invested in the pools and farms.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Make sense.. I must say.. May be I will have to send some newbies to you after they accumulated some more

Easydefi may be to much for you now, but look at @nolosslottery it’s only one Leo and every Sunday it gives away 120 Leo in Prizes! That would be a great boost to a Newbie!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, I appreciate referrals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Things ar egetting easier in Defi worlds, just a transaction and you are done, what a wonderful deal, hopefully that proposals continue doing their hard job as a investment fund they are becoming in. I'm thinking to get some of my leo rewards and send it to @easydefi as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, I think making defi accessible to the masses is a good niche. I look forward to welcoming you to our Pool.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's a pleasure to be part of your Defi project, you've did an excellent labour by doing easier for us, so that thanks are for you, keep it up ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very interesting concept. I can imagine that people will resort to fund management a lot more than to be exposed to DeFi directly, in the coming years.

Are you investing in anything else besides Cub? Considering putting some of my Leo earnings to work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe you are correct. That is my business model premise.

Only Cubfinance now, but planning to look at what @aggroed has developed on Hive-Engine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta