Saturday Savers Club | Week 29 | Saturday 20 July 2024 | Black Holes and Near Assassinations!

in LeoFinance8 months ago


One of two black holes I currently own. At the bottom you can see the reason for the excavation: the pipe supplying mains water to the house. Scroll on for more black holes and a curious listening device.

Weekly Savings Round-Up

My own black hole drama is set out below.

In the world we saw an attempted assassination of Donald Trump leading to much conversation about violence in politics and merciless British ribbing of his dressing, described variously as wearing a panty-liner and a teabag on his ear. Attracting even more derisory comments were supporters sporting sympathy dressings.

Meanwhile Farage, Truss and Johnson (and, it seems, Russell Brand) were at the Republican National Convention, each vying to be the Trump whisperer. Some lovely writing from Marina Hyde on the matter:

all Liz could muster was a handshake photo with JD Vance. I love this type of picture, which fails to clear even the “can I just grab you?” desperation of a selfie. Consider the mechanics. In order to get the snap, one of Liz Truss’s aides has had to wait and – on pain of a bollocking later – capture the fleeting moment the vice-presidential pick shakes her hand in a line-up. Which is presumably why not simply Vance, but also Truss, are out of focus. Give the aide a break! They only had half a second or something, and from this momentarily blurred encounter the impression of some kind of bilateral must be spun.”

although this had me giggling (I know, not very grown up):

The prize on offer, I read, is the chance to fill the role of “Trump whisperer”, a sort of unofficial backchannel position that I assume is officially located in the presidential backchannel. From those proctological premises, the Trump whisperer is meant to persuade the notional once-and-future president that things he doesn’t give a shit about are actually quite important, if not to him, then definitely to little ol’ Britain.

Both quotes from Welcome to 2024's saddest race by Marina Hyde.

Going back to Britons' predeliction for mickey-taking, apparently, according to Peter Ackroyd's biography of England, this is a trait from our earliest beginnings along with a nonchalance about death - violent death anyway.

@eds-vote delegations
@eds-vote is sitting at 322k HP this week and we are very near being able to power down 500 HIVE a week to boost the EDS fund - amazing progress! It looks like we're heading for 350k HP delegations by the end of the year, thanks everyone!


Savings Goals

Let's see how we're doing:

AssetGoalStartLast TimeTodayProgress
Hive Power115,000100,400121,311121,608105% 💪
EDSD1,0001281,8401,865186% 💪

2024 Savings Goals


TL:DR - everything is going to plan.

  • EDS, EDS-VOTE, EDSD - I moved my HBD savings into EDSD - it makes sense while HIVE is so low and so many more EDS are minted for the same HBD interest. I'll continue to buy EDSD with my earnings from my side-hustle and posting. (More about side-hustles).

EDS eco-system breakdown and model
EDS Income Token | Fixed and Variable Savings Plans
EDS Dollar (EDSD) Release Post

  • Blogging - I did a few calculations about potential income from blogging. I reckon it would bring an income of about 775 (855 with interest) HBD and 3,575 (3,731 with curation and inflation) HP a year.

  • Saturday Savers Club - 2024 Launch and FAQs. Over sixty registered savers now. Anyone can join at any time by commenting with their goals on the weekly post on the @eddie-earner account (also follow @eddie-earner for news about EDS). Our first subscription savings plan is on point too with the fourth round distributed at the end of June.

  • HSBI - HIVE basic income - I'm growing these through sponsoring HPUD and other challenge posts over on Saturday Savers Club.


What's New


Well, a week or two ago, in the process of sorting out my bathroom problems, the plumber said, "I can hear water running." That was interesting, because I had noticed the same thing several times in the same place, although nothing was running and no taps were on.

After a lot of listening at various places along the length of the house, including Josh (below) with a listening stick that looks like something out of the Middle Ages but is still the go-to technology and works like a stethoscope, and a visit from Severn Trent Water ...


... long story short, I ended up with black holes at either end of the house. The one above is where the pipe supplying mains water comes up into the house from underground.

Mick and Earl excavated the two holes by hand - a long old job - giving an idea of the graft that Irish and Welsh navvies had to put in to build the canal system in England.

At different times doors were coming off, loads were being moved, the toilet and cistern were shifted and every so often there was a cup of tea until finally they went home. It reminded me of this song (1962, if you're wondering, and they have 6 cups of tea if you ever need to know for a quiz).

Have a good week everyone!



I hope you sort out your pipework. Leaks can be really annoying to track down.

I think a lot of people are sucking up to Trump just in case he wins. We know he's spiteful towards anyone who he feels is against him. People like Farage and Truss are just attention-seekers. Now it's established that Trump had the smallest possible injury we can stop feeling sorry for him and point out his obvious faults. He's just not suitable to run any country. Biden has his own issues, but he doesn't have quite the same cult around him.


They say "water always wins" and of course must be dealt with...generally not a cheap affair, sadly. Best of luck to you.

Thank you. Hope you're good.

Are you sure it's wise feeding them tea if the loo is out of action ? 😁

Good luck getting the leak found and fixed and the holes filled back in !

They bring their own kettle and beverages 😁

The problem isn't putting it in, it's what happens later... or do they bring empty bottles and funnels, too ? 😉

Wow looks like a pretty big job but water is no joke when it comes to maintaining your house. I hate those jobs because they are a large outlay of cash and time to simply regain function and have things not fall apart. Makes it better when the job is done and you don’t have to worry about it any more.

Good luck on the black holes and keep making fun of those delusional sheep with the teabags on their ears!

Makes it better when the job is done and you don’t have to worry about it any more

They've told me the new "indestructible" pipes will last eighty years. I won't be here then unless I make a killing in the bull market and get myself freeze dried or whatever Jeff Bezos is doing.

I agree, these jobs are a pain, but I'm glad I hadn't fitted the shower room or had the garden done. That would have upset me 😂

I hope the black holes don't become eternal black holes! Impressive progress on those goals, you've nearly met or surpassed them all. Talk about great investing!

It made me laugh the way they packed up every day and went!

I assume you guys have the summer going on there, must be busy getting house in order.

We're having a sort-of summer here 😂

I’d love to ask you a question
Do you trust Trump and do you think he’s the best. He’s making some interesting speeches lately coupled with how he got shot
Looks like a sympathy move

What do you think?

If he goes by his speech, maybe he’s the best

Why not go by his actions over the past six years?

He might have changed😅😅😅
His speeches are so deceiving😅😅😅

!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 989 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 113458539975800 or 28.862 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 9.621 $

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!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 992 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 170895639975800 or 53.653 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 17.884 $

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!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 997 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 192655699975800 or 54.003 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 18.001 $

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!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 997 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 227171089975800 or 66.403 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 22.134 $

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!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 1002 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 303040761975800 or 104.376 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 34.792 $

    Have you seen our website?
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!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 1002 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 328675401975800 or 141.474 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 47.158 $

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!

!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 1002 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 317270736921092 or 137.202 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 45.734 $

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!

!sbi status

Hi @shanibeer!

  • you have 1068 units and 2500 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 143367096452071 or 53.930 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 17.977 $

    Have you seen our website?
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