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RE: Voting upon weekly dividends - 2nd vote

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)


  1. Honour the proposal to pay dividends, three months is long enough to put a foundation in place. LBI-token is already, in its short life, one of the biggest LEO holders and earners. That's plenty.
  2. Maintain and build confidence in the LBI token by releasing dividends. Experience from SPI is that confidence changed once the fund started paying dividends and the value of SPI has continued to grow exponentially in its second year. Keep existing LBI investors, make LBI attractive to new entrants, widen the base of LBI holders and grow the LBI fund through volume.
  3. Release funds through dividends back into the community so that the creative energy of the 174 accounts that hold more than 10 LBI can work in multiple and compounding ways to add value to Hive, in addition to focused growth within the LBI fund.
  4. Poor responses by governments to the pandemic has exacerbated global poverty: demonstrate an investment and growth model where even the poorest person has an opportunity to come to Hive and improve things for themselves and their families. Encourage mass adoption and widen the base of Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I said yes but you make great points, Sensible Aunty 💖

upvotes for you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I appreciate that small LBI investors may get small dividends: those that want to maintain faster growth in LBI have the option to reinvest their dividends to increase their LBI stake.

Fair enough @Shanibeer, but the dividends you can get from LBI won't help you much when you're a small LBI investor. Better to post and comment if one wants to earn LEO to invest in other projects or back in LBI.

If I'm correct in my memory, it took SPI a full year before they paid dividends? I honestly see no reason why LBI should pay them now. The fund of LBI is much bigger to start with, and thus much harder to grow significant. Because of reinvesting all earnings LBI was able to grow to 1.10 leo now in 3 months. Imagine where we would be if we had paid dividends from start. Maybe at 1.04? Or even less ...

The bigger the fund is, the harder it is to grow the fund. And LBI is a token for the long long term. I think of it as my retirement for example. And since I only own 328 LBI's now ... what would I do with less than 1 leo a week dividend?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi @hetty-rowan,

I'm with you on the long-term approach to the token, having been an original investor in SPI and a member of the SPI support team since it was set up.

SPI was based on a different dividends proposal to LBI and, speaking as one of the original investors, that twelve months was a very draining experience. I was opposed to the cap on SPI as I wanted more people to benefit from what I saw as great opportunity, but there is no doubt that it became a lot easier after we'd made that decision and started paying dividends and SPI has soared in value since then once energy was released to develop other options.

I worry a little about the narrow investor base of both LBI and SPI, part of the reason I am doing work with the @eddie-earner account to try and widen the investor base for the spinvest token family, and I do wonder if there is an opportunity to do things a little differently with LBI. The LBI investor base is less than 5% of active posters, and something like 0.5% of active users. It could follow the SPI route of no dividends for an extended period, or it could take a different, more pro-active approach to releasing dividends and use that to leverage widening the investor base.

I guess the LBI constituency will decide 😍.


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