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RE: We Are Witnessing The Flippening - Between US & China

in LeoFinance5 years ago

I'm proud to live in a country that banded together as a community and made the (somewhat simple) sacrifice of all living inside for 6 weeks. And I'm ashamed of my home country for making this into a political nightmare and condemning tens of thousands of people to die.

I'm using McKinsey projections here - those guys are widely recognized as "the smartest guys in the room." It's not a us v. them thing that you seem to make it out to be. It's a manage v. mismanage thing. I can tell you from what I see on the ground here in Shanghai. We are getting back to "normal" pretty fast - the only difference is people wear masks, there is hand sanitizer everywhere and people try to keep their distance from each other (which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned). It could be a good long while before that happens in America.

I'm sorry, but most people in America are already debt or wage slaves. And it happened without much of a fight a long time ago.

GL in your fight. Hope it is fought not in vain.