
Tell me about it, @shainemata

I am in Tennessee and i'm wearing sweats and thermals.

This just aint right for the south, lol.

On the plus side, iced tea stays cold.

Yes it does, lol

Cold is relative lol

Yes. Around here schools shut down if temperatures are below 32F during the day.

Goodness! We were minus 23F last week and still had school.

That would be near apocalyptic here. Our homes, clothing, vehicles, and infrastructure aren’t capable of dealing with such cold.

It's all about how you build stuff. And if there's no need to build it for the cold, why waste that money?

Not wasting the money is why we aren't prepared. It doesn't snow here, so we don't have snow plows, salt for the sidewalks, plumbing for a frost line, or even scrapers to remove frost from windshields. Those things are alien around here. For the two days of hard cold, it's simpler to stay home. We can deal with hurricanes and 100F temperatures. We're built for that.

Yikes! I'd rather suffer winter than deal with 100F temps. We get 100 temps too, but only for a day or three every summer and everyone stays in the shade. LOL

t-shirt and shorts weather here lol

Big difference for me is that it will be in the 60's by end of the week.

I don't reckon that will be the case for you, Jongo.

Nah but it will be above freezing. Which will feel like summer lolol

Ah yes, I remember that about living in Texas... that, and the way two snowflakes stop all traffic!

I was in Dallas like a decade or so ago....Sprinkling of snow and people couldn't stay on the roads lol