I actually like your use of LeoVerse. A Web2 friend of mine has been planning departing Twitter which he has lived and breathed since the beginning. He's been talking to me about his plans and has asked me a few times about Hive. He'd actually like to give Hive a try but he prefers to stay married more and his wife is vehemently opposed to anything smelling like crypto.
He was asking me if I"d tried out the 'Fediverse' and course my response was .. what's that As he explained it to me, my response was, "You realize you're describing what the Hive ecosystem already is except we earn?" He agreed.
This morning I was reading the DHF proposal you guys put out and my thought was that by the time you implement your plans, you'll have a fediverse inside the Hive ecosystem fediverse Thus, when I saw the LeoVerse reference.. it totally resonated with me as your rebrand choice.