Smoke a doobie and calm down. After reading your second post on this topic; I now know your intentions. Why I am even mentioned in the second post is a mystery to me.
I have been critical of the blockchain as well and have made some crazy posts. This was while on mind altering substances and I believe this may be the case with you. There is not any conspiracy going on and you are going a bit off the deep end.
Your motivation besides gaining attention and pissing off a great many good folks is beyond me. I guess it is Drama Season.
Do what you like as we are a decentralized platform and censorship resistant. I just don't believe that you will really gain any traction with the HIVE Blockchain Network Community at large.
At best, this is a spam/shit post with no meat in the sense of valuable content. I am not the HIVE police so will not even take the time to upvote or downvote this hot mess. 💩
Worthless at best Stank. I feel so left out; not to be included on this update. I would think that after 50 hours; you would even know the color of my underwear 🩲
Now that you have wasted everyone’s time: Where the fuck is my apology and the Hive you owe me?