LEO Finance and Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Source: @sgt-dan with giphy.com
The new CUB Finance project by @leofinance is the talk of the town! Like a good many folks, I have been following this new decentralized finance (DeFi) project closely. It is indeed a boon to small investors like myself. I have claimed the recent airdrop and the CUB is now on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in my Metamask wallet.
Leo Finance's first entry into the world of DeFi, Wrapped LEO (wLEO) has been a huge success. I was fortunate enough to participate early on. Due to the large fees (ethereum gas) involved in particpating, I removed my liquidity (even USD amounts of Ethereum and LEO) in order to participate in the new CUB Defi project.
Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
BNB Coin, ERC-20, BNB2, BEP20 it can all be so confusing! I now have it all figured out after a great deal of research. The problem is I did the research after buying BNB coins! I have never been accused of being the sharpest crayon in the box!
BNB coin was originally an ERC-20 coin on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. They then came up with the BEP2 in order to move Ethereum tokens (ERC-20) to the Binance chain (BEP2). Now Binance has an alternative to Uniswap called the Binance Smart Chain. Should a person wish to make transactions on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), they must have the BEP20 version of BNB coins to pay fees.
Trade BNB for BNB BEP20?
I was not to keen on making an account on BINANCE.US and as a United States citizen can not make an account with BINANCE.COM (I know, virtual private network {VPN}. I am not that guy!).

I did give it a try, signing up with BINANCE.US, and now have a ticket in with them as I am having difficulty with the basic verification process. The only response I have had from them is that it might take 15 days or longer to get a response.
Bottom line, I currently can not figure out how to purchase some BNB BEP20 gas coins! Oh! The humanity! So I decided to make this post and see if I could trade some BNB for some BEP-20 BNB.
I currently have a little over 0.20 BNB in my EXODUS Wallet. Even if I could just trade a portion of it to get started with the CUB DeFi project, that would be nice.
If you have gotten this far in my post and would like to help out, that would be great! As I know that everyone's time is valuable, I would be willing to pay a finder's fee for any help. Please leave a response in the comments. Thank you to everyone in advance.
As always, blessings and groovy vibes. Today and everyday!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hmm i don't the fees between exodus and metamask so that you can transfer but as i just saw now in your comment section @bozz said it's quite a lot! Another thing that i am thinking is if someone that has some already can send it to your wallet and you can pay him back either in bnb when you got the verification or any other altcoin.
btw when i did my verification on binance it didn't work and i always had a "failed" message. Then i did the verification from the camera of my phone and in general the whole process from my phone and it took less than a day
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you very much for your insights into the whole matter. I don't know if it is an American thing. As you are from an exotic Country you may or may not be American (I think our Nation (USA) has some exotic places.
In any case, thank you so much for your insight and advice. It is greatly appreciated!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am from the exotic Greece :P a bit far from America
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
G-D bless you love. Greece and its history of democracy has made a great influence in my Nation. Kudos to you and Greece for their influence in our Nations politics. Greece was about representation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hehe thanks a lot!!
the funny thing is that nowadays our democracy sucks :P a lot
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All fixed! Thanks again so much!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think you would find there is a .2 BNB fee to move it out of that wallet over to the other chain, so you likely would end up with no BNB if you tried to move it out of that Exodus wallet? That is what happened to me. I started with .67 BNB or so and ended up only having about .46 to use on Cub. It was a kick in the nut to be sure!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for the heads-up. Guess I will just hold on to stuff and see what happens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You might want to get a second opinion, but I know when I went to move my stuff off of Bittrex over to my BSC wallet it was a huge fee. Like $45 given the price of BNB at the time. I was floored.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I finally got it all sorted out. Used the Trust Wallet to buy BNB (version BEP20). Worked like a charm. Now my CUB is staked and earning. Thanks again for all of your guidance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you again for your advice. It is helpful. Maybe down the road things might be different. Sometimes I wish I did not FOMO and just left good enough alone and just left my liquidity in wLEO, but that is my fault.
Like the sign that sits behind me in my photo, It is what it is!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, for sure. You've gotta just move on. Personally, I don't think moving away from the insane fees on ETH was a bad decision. The money moving around over there is definitely in league I will probably never find myself in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You and me both brother!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is the chicken and egg issue. After an hour of trying to get BNB or whatever I’m moving on. Binance wants verification not going to happen. Maybe if they let you pay fees with Bleo would make things easier. It’s probably easier to find diamonds then it is to get BEP-20. Anyone have any BNB Bep-20 dust?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Things will sort out hopefully. Maybe I will do like you and ask for some dust and then send them a couple of LEO for their trouble?
My BSC Metamask Public Key is:
I have my faults, but being scammy or spammy are not on the list. I have an impeccable reputation of non-scaminess.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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