
emoh i love this one!

which is your favorite?

Out of the FF games I've played I have to say that this one is the one I have enjoyed the most, its the kind of game I can replay any time and have lots to do and enjoy after I have beaten it. You?

I wish I could edit my threads, I meant to say 'Oh I love this one' , but sometimes random text just appears when I start typing.

Oh, Final Fantasy VI!!

Which version are you playing?

PS4 so i guess its a remaster but i kept the old text

Oh, the Pixel Remaster... That's the version I'd like to try too. (Though on PC instead of PS4!)

Speaking of Final Fantasy, this year I finished FFX, and two mods of FFVII. I hope to get Final Fantasy Remke & Rebirth on PC next year, but I guess I have other games on my backlog to finish first.

I played 12 and 15 as well this year so I'm all caught up with the mainline except the stuff that's PS5 exclusive

I think Nier has replaced FF for me though....