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RE: Selling Innovative Dreams; The Reason Why The World Is Filled With Monopolists

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Exploitation is a serious problem and I’ve been looking for ways to combat it for most of my adult life. I often joined the protests against redevelopment in my 20’s because these redevelopment plans in Asia and America often destroy the local culture for the benefit of a few rich people with no connection to that neighborhood. Within 10 years everyone forgets the original feeling of the place and it just because history that is part of the package to sell to tourists.

European countries have exploited Africa in many ways which is why I am rooting so much for Africa, I believe every individual and every collection of individuals had a chance to shine.

On an individual level, I’ve had people steal my best ideas and use them for their own benefit and it feels horrible. I found that changing the culture to respect real contributions rather than flashy things is one way to prevent this. The only other thing I can think of to prevent such abuse is for each person to aim towards finding their unique and authentic voice which cannot be copied.