Can you Hive to Survive?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hail to the Hive!


Last March we took a big step and walked away from what we had been doing for the previous seven years in the Philippines. We had spent that time running a Scuba Diving business and due to the whole pandemic, it became completely untenable.

I had been dabbling with the blockchain before the pandemic and after we had been completely shut down, and no tourism looking likely in the near future, I focused a lot more time and energy into it and started to peel back the curtain of the crypto world. I still only feel I am peeking through a small gap to be honest.


Our short term escape plan was to purchase a small narrowboat in the UK and spend maybe a year or so exploring the canal network while the world sorted itself out. Taking a step outside the normality of day to day life as it were.

We figured that hive could contribute monthly to the running costs, a bit of diesel here and a bit of cooking gas there, that kind of thing. But as the months have passed by we are starting to see that it has subsidised more than we anticipated.


Living on a tiny boat and being nomadic forces you to streamline, downsize and strip most things back to their basics so our living costs are considerably less than they would be if we lived in an apartment or house.


We've realised that our yearly canal and river license is approx £700. Insurance £160 per year. Monthly diesel is working out around £50. Monthly cooking gas £12. So with all this in mind and our hive earning increasing we have managed to subsidise a sizable % of our living costs through the blockchain alone. this along with other online activities have brought in a bit more and we are just about self sufficient. I had to power down a bit to pay for the heating to be installed onboard before winter set in but again, #hive paid its way!

So this had us thinking that perhaps moving into our 2nd year on the boat full time that perhaps we can grow our online income a bit more and may be able to upgrade to a slightly longer narrowboat (28ft is an incredibly small liveaboard). This is our year 2 goal!

I've now been looking into creating NFTs and admittedly I don't have a scooby do at this point how I could market them but if you don't take steps in any direction you simply won't get anywhere. I've got as far as creating (minting) some which is my first baby steps into that realm. I've noticed you can do photos as NFTs as some have done so that's my starting point at the moment for this project.


Open Sea allows you to create and list NFTs with no gas fees which I have begun. If anyone on the blockchain has any tips or advice I'm all ears

My wife and travel companion @millycf1976 has thrown herself into creating communities on the blockchain with her Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community which is growing beautifully due to her diligence and hardwork, interaction and passion. These things don't just happen by themselves and it's been amazing to watch it's growth and the creativity it is also inspiring in others feeling their way around the blockchain. I think 2022 will be a very interesting year for Hive. Could this be the year it takes off?

I've always felt Hive is an extremely fertile environment and the possibilities are mind boggling. I know for us no matter what the future holds that in our first year of leaping into a new lifestyle we definitely benefitted from Hive and it can help propel us into the next level


Hive helped us Survive!

Without a doubt!





Hiving to Surviving, awesome to see how far you have come, great indicator for others to read and think about the future.

Most of us arrive pretty unversed then learn on the go, that is what is making Hive a place of interest, growth, new direction in approach. Living proof of how much you put in will pay back.

Love the photography along the waterways of the UK and interesting progress stories along the way @scubahead and @millycf1976 well done!

Hiving to Surviving,

Great phrase. I like it.

We certainly are doing something here that is helping people. It is important to not overlook the impact we are making in some people's lives.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Five years on, still learning, supporting, enjoying cross pollination happening on this blockchain.

So awesome! I also survived for some time off the blog. Hive is life-saving for people in many countries, which I find really impressive. Descentralized, no government stealing its part, no dealing with papers and signatures to sign up.

That is great to know. I just tweeted this article out to show how Hive is truly changing lives. It is great when people can tap into Hive to enable them to overcome some difficult circumstances.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's perfect to break that myth that cryptos don't have any use, which is a blatant lie from people who have no idea what cryptos really are. An now with the 12% apy on HBD it's became a decent savings too.

Hive is greatly impacted many lives and I am one of them. Currently, I don't have any other job asides writing on Hive and investing in the second-layer as well

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is freedom right there!

That's right!!

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Its been a huge help to us as we completely turned our lives upside down and now this has given us the goal of being fully nomadic and self sufficient

It's just amazing, isn't it? Imagine, let's say, 10 years ago... one had to create a wordpress blog, install dozens of apps and ads, deal with bank accounts, tax, etc etc

I have my book on Amazon and I can't collect my royalties due to bank account problem! If it were crypto I'd be fine.

It's great to hear that Hive has worked out much better for you guys than expected, it's incredible especially for being in UK.

Energy costs is going to take up a much bigger chunk of household costs this year so you guys definitely have the advantage there. I'm dreading the cost of my bills when I move back into a permanent place next month!

It is good for people to have something to fall back upon. Hive can be that. As was stated above, what happens if $HIVE hits $10?

That will be incredible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Our diesel is also red diesel same as the farmers get so that keeps the cost down as well. Gas prices are a worry so hoping the impact on us won't be too great as we only use gas for cooking. More salads and sandwiches if it does haha

Our diesel is also red diesel same as the farmers get so that keeps the cost down as well. Gas prices are a worry so hoping the impact on us won't be too great as we only use gas for cooking

I'm pretty much in the same position and I'm happy seeing seeing others hiving to survive. That's what I call real life use case for a monetized social media blockchain project. Just imagine how life changing a $10 HIVE would be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many 'Hivers' are managing to do so! Not a fluke!!!

I've seen others on the blockchain doing well with it and that's also been a big inspiration

Just imagine how life changing a $10 HIVE would be.

Life changing money is what people should be focused upon. The more important question is how many more people would have their lives changed by $10 HIVE?

That is amazing to think about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Inwould absolutely be getting a bigger boat then 😃


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It always warms my heart seeing people who hive has a direct impact on their lives as it has mine for the past 4yewrs as a creator on this chain. I have seen some of your wife's blogs and they are amazing. I wish you guys all the best in all your endeavour.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is a game-changer! It has the capacity to impact as many lives as possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Certainly and for those of us here, we are at the right place at the right time. If we continue to build we will certainly get to the point we all hope for in the nearest future

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah...I go nowhere

Hive will hit greater heights in the future so, now is the time to get positioned. Let's keep building and promoting the brand

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The response from this post has been really amazing. I am hoping for great things in 2022. Could be the year it all starts to take off!

Amazing and wonderful and BRAVO! to your Strategy and BRAVO! to HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive to the moon🚀🚀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for sharing your very interesting and instructive HIVE story 👍 I was very surprised by the monthly cost for diesel, I expected much more, in any case, you seem to master perfectly the management of your costs, bravo!

Its a little 2 cylinder 14horse power kubota diesel. Doesn't guzzle and we usually chug along at about 3mph. Shorter cruising in the winter during the day but we do run it to keep batteries charged.

Fantastic work, I really think that Hive is a wonderful blockchain and there are many stories on how people are surviving thanks to Hive. This adds to another wonderful story. Well done!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks @melbourneswest. I had just moored up at the end of the day and been to get groceries and had a moment thinking that it was pretty amazing we are still doing it 11 months in. Decided to write a short piece about it on here. I have to say the response to this little post has been great. Made writing it worthwhile with all the positive comments I've received.

Hey @scubahead this is a great post. I was actually thinking (and talking) about this just a few weeks ago, I tend to get a lot of people shaking their heads at the idea, but I know that it's possible and it's always wonderful to see that people are actually using it this way. It does take work and dedication though, that's the thing - it's not a get rich quick kinda thing and most people wouldn't be able to live solely off of their Hive earnings alone...well not yet anyway. If Hive had to go up substantially in value over the next year, that could change.

What will you guys call your new boat when you get it?

I get the same reaction from most people as well. Hmmm it depends if the bkat already has a name we like we will keep it. If not then we’d have to have a think

Hopefully @andrastia The boat name @scubahead and @millycf1976 choose will be the same name they choose for the adopted boat kitty.?

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Hurry up and get a kitten..! =^,,^=

Sammi Jo meowed that...

Lol, I love that you have so much love for your poot tat. It would be a cute name.

I can't wait to see you guys break a bottle of champers on the side of it. That one you gotta video for 3speak! Looking forward to it.

Keep cruising guys, always love reading your adventures.

Hi @scubahead,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord

This is awesome! I love that you're documenting you experiences with NFTs. At the very least, they'll live on the blockchain forever and that's worth something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is really cool to hear! I'm still new to HIVE and I've been writing blog posts just once a week at this point. I really like the fact that I earn some income every time I post or interact in the ecosystem! It's motivating and quite frankly a better way to spend my time rather than scrolling through the traditional social media platforms.

Your post is affirming me to keep writing so thank you for that! ☺️

You really should keep writing and more consistently. There's money in here. I've been surviving through Hive since 2018. Most of my money, I have made from here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm working on it! I usually take 2-3 days to write something so I could actually write twice a week. My brain gets tired pretty easily from writing tbh haha. That's so cool that you're generating your income mainly from HIVE! I'm sure I'll be at your level soon!!!

Practice leads to perfection they say. Keep writing and your brain might just get tired of being tired...haha

I believe if you write consistently, you'll get accustomed to it and brain will definitely adjust.

More grease to your elbow

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Beautiful photography and very heart warming personal experience.

Thank you for sharing!

BTW how do you actually use HIVE to pay for your living costs? I'm still quite new to this. @taskmaster4450le @mrprofessor any advice?

Thanks guys

Hey @jin-out, you don't use Hive directly to pay for stuff but rather convert to the fiat currency you need in the occasion. There are many ways you can do that: sell at an exchange and convert to your country's currency; or use a crypto Visa/Mastercard card; or sell directly to someone who's gonna pay in the fiat currency you need (P2P).

I see.

I'm still quite new to this. So does that mean you'd sell Hive to say USDT and convert that to fiat currency of choice?

Could be, if the exchange/card you are using supports USDT.


I use Blocktrades to send Hive as Litecoin to my Coinbase or Gemini exchanges that are connected to my fiat bank account. BTrade works great with Hive and fees are low.

Got it, thanks for the tip. I do have a Gemini account as i have brave rewards and get the BAT.

I am also thinking of converting Hive to Litecoin and then exchange it to a giftcard or something. Maybe i could convert straight from the HIVE currency. What do you think?

Gemini does not trade Hive. I have used Bittrex for that. Litecoin has cheap transaction fees. I like Gemini. I also do the Brave BATS. ;-)

Thanks for the heads up! I also use Coinex, so i can trade Hive into LTC that way.

Do you do the presearch cryptocurrency engine as well?

Yes I do..;-)

Stories like this are very moving. We often get caught up in a lot of stuff, not realizing the bottom line is Hive is changing lives. This is what it is all about.

It is great that your activity on Hive was able to help you through a rough stretch. Hopefully there will be better times ahead.

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I love seeing what Hive can do for people. In some places it may be easier to live off earnings as the UK is expensive and looking to get more so. I hope it can do well for you.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A great example of how Hive can bring wealth to our lives. It is about the work and how much we get involved here. If I were to spend 8 hours a day around, for sure that will build up in time. Good luck with your journey and making the best out of Hive!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very true, the more you are involved on Hive, the more wealth you stand to create. Hive has the capacity to produce billionaires but what matters is a person's readiness to maximize the platform

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As the bull is setting up. Hive reward will be adding up every day.

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I was trying to figure out what it would take to live off hive. Being in the us with a house and two cars I’d need to create a network with tons of people to cover my cost. It’s a dream I have.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

This is wonderful to read and those photos are absolutely stunning! Keep it up.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 5
Hive Power Up Month challenge - Feedback from February day 3
Our Hive Power delegations to the last Power Up Month challenge Winners
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

That's pretty amazing to read. If Hive takes off in a big way, we could definitely see more people living off of Hive and perhaps take some market share from places like Medium and Substack.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many people are already living off of Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Amazing story thanks for sharing. There is so much potential to come for decentralised social media and crypto based financial freedom 🙏 absolutely love that you’ve also chosen the canal boat life as well. Looking forward to reading more. 👏👏👏🥂

Its the perfect fit for living while earning online. We are loving the canals. Pretty amazing way to live and astonishing that it's still possible

My financial and wealth journey began with Hive way back 2018. Since then, I have been surviving courtesy of Hive. Hive is indeed a blessing; the platform is my own office.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Amazing! Love to see this!

I love the pictures into NFT’s. Let your creativity be boundless! I can’t wait to see more of your luscious pictures.

One question though....errrm,...aren’t you concerned about sharks and other monstrous creatures? I’ll certainly like to see what 1 month feels like on the ocean, scratch that, 1 month is too long, let’s say 1 week 😂 I have a phobia for huge mass of water

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is appreciative that Hive contribute in your living costs like diesel, gas and other costs.
It is a great motivation for other Hive members that if they work hard then they can earn a handsome amount. Especially @leo.voter encourage community members a lot by their votes. I am here only because of his encouragement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is so nice to read how Hive is making you live the way you wanted :) It must be really good to live on a badger and just sail around :) This makes me even more hopeful of how Hive could also impact our lives in the years to come :)

Great post. And I just recently took advantage of some Hive to better my crypto portfolio. I plan to put some back in at the next dip.
Glad to hear all is going well financially. I had wondered, but felt it was not my place to ask.
Millys Community has been great to me. Given me a chance to use my imagination when I can find the time...

Longer Boat... Still Narrow and Slo... LoL. I know, I know... It is not a Speed Boat like the one You borrowed in my Sci-Fi story.

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Do the Canals have access to any small lakes.?

Later Captain Scuba.!!

You show me yours and I'll show you mine... hehehehe

No No No... NFT's..!

Boobs... LMAO

You inspired me to throw up... untitled.gif

No No No...

I meant a listing on Open Sea. Pretty Kewl Site. Thanks for the info... @scubahead