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RE: Sunrise on Stellar - Ripple and the SEC

in LeoFinance4 years ago

What?? Holy cow. I didn't read that far into it either. Being the co-founder of similar cryptocurrencies is certainly interesting. Is it nefarious, though? I would think not because there is a precedent for someone being a part of more than one company (Elon Musk). However, Elon's companies are trading per regulations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've been following XRP for a long time (on and off)...if you read my post about Xrp you can see that I mention McCaleb as a co-founder of Xrp and founder of XLM. McCaleb also sold almost all of his Xrp after he got them and moved all his focus into XLM!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ugh. Some people. No wonder the SEC is watching them.