In this video I help my non-crypto buddy swap bLEO for CUB and BUSD, add liquidity and stake his LP tokens to start earning from the farm!
So if he can do it, ya'll can do it to!
We did two before this one, then we added stake to an existing on and showed using the + - icons.
You will notice that sometimes, it takes 5-10 seconds for things to populate on the exchange page, so be patient please when you are doing swaps and liquidity
We even had a transaction fail for some random reason when staking, and showed him how to go into BscScan to look at his wallet transactions to see indeed a failed transaction. Obviously there is a reason, but its moot if you have BNB for the tx. So we just did it again.
NOTE: You need to have some BNB to pay for tx fees.
Basic functionality
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am glad you were successful. I was unable to get my metamask to connect.
I followed the instructions and bought BNB to pay transactions fees. I connected the wallet and got a prompt asking me if I was sure. That’s the last notice and it doesn’t say connected. Repeated tsps of the connect button were unsuccessful. I tried to get help in discord, but it seems I am the only one awake.
It’s disappointing to be able to connect with to other DeFi sites, but this one. But this is still a win for Leo. I hope to get some help tomorrow. Happy times ahead for sure and the price has pushed up to 91 cents as I write this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey man, I'm assuming you are sorted out at this point. I didn't run into anyone else having that issue. I'm sure you already ran through the connect doc but I will put it here in case anyone else needs it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your right, I read it a few times.
I just decided to give it a rest, turned everything off. And came back, turned it on, and like works.
Technology...can’t live with it...can’t live without it...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks so much
You made it easier
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Noooo Don't refresh lol I know that feeling when you're waiting. 1 minute feels like forever when you're waiting for it to update but it's for sure faster! Cool to see it fail and what you did to check it. I had this happen a few times and felt lost.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, the funny part is we were waiting way longer than the vid shows I had to edit out a minute cus he was surfing other webpages which showed his personal email and stuff LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome! This is needed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
0.100 WINECongratulations, @hivecoffee You Successfully Shared With @scaredycatguide.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
Total Purchase : 24015.917 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE
WINE Current Market Price : 0.271 HIVE
I'm loving Cub Finance! I moved $60K over to it..... now I have a litter of Cubs!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Aped into Cub! Nice man
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i have Leo staked on my Hive account. How do i claim the airdropped Bleo on BSC?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is an ongoing CUB claimdrop (details to follow here).
There isn't a bLeo airdrop. bLeo is obtained by 'wrapping' liquid (not staked!) LEO with this tool:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The Cub claim drop was earlier this evening. You have to send it from your leo wallet to your metamask using the bridge site
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I did it but learned other ways
to interact with CUB finance.
This thing is going to be a hit
for the community
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anyone else didn't get the airdrop yet?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the video
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Been using Cub DeFi for about the last 14hours and loving it :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is exactly the kind of video needed for us scaredy cats. No pun intended. You're clearly dealing with someone not all that familiar with how this all works and you even dealt with an issue that would leave most of us lost and frustrated and afraid we really screwed something up. Planned or not, that was excellent.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks! The tx error was totally random and not planned lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
How did you get your bLEO there(metamask)?
I'm still a noob, haven't used cubfinance at all and there's all sort of details that I'm not clear about yet. Good video none the less.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Use the bridge.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
extremely useful posts, many people were actually wondering about this stuff and what better but a video. The bnb "must have" is something that a lot of people ignored as well
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I did this for my friend as well yesterday. If you try to say out loud what you are doing it is such a 'crypto-nerd headache' Getting nocoiners into crypto is a super cool experience though as the money does all the talking for you after too long!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is useful as I am trying to do it but I need to go back a step.....what is BNB and what is a defi site? sorry new here and on a learning curve!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm on the same page as you, bud. Can't wait to get involved though.
Saw you in chat today, looked like you are good to go now. Awesome man!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Getting there! Once i have a farm set up I will be good! The discord is a God send!
My god, I’m so behind on all this. Thanks for posting this tutorial but even this is confusing me as I am a complete noob to Leo, cub, pools and smart contracts. Getting quite frustrated at my own ignorance. If there are any VERY basic tutorials you could point me to which might help me catch up that would be very kind. I’ve done some reading about smart contacts, defi, liquidity pools, but how and where to access them is a mystery to me. Feel like a bit of a tool tbh but if I don’t ask I’ll never learn and the fomo is killing me!
Edit: I should probably be more specific... if you could point me in the direction of where to buy Leo/cub, bnb, and any other tokens I may need to begin farming that would be helpful. I'm guessing hive engine but if there is also an exchange I should use then let me know. I'm on Bittrex but don't mind joining others if needed.
You can buy LEO on hive-engine or leodex with hive. Here is the doc for connecting a metamask to send bleo to and there are links for all the other process in there too. Really easy doc to use
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks buddy. I did some more digging last night and got a little closer to understanding it all. Hopefully I’ll be in the game by the weekend.
Fantastic work, @scaredycatguide!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really enjoyed your video! Even though I didn't know English, I could understand it. This tutorial is worthy of always on the favorites pages :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a lot for the popular explanation. I managed to move CUB and bLEO, but there is another problem.
How can I sell bLEO for BNB and bUSD, if I do not have BNB and BUSD? It looks like a vicious circle) How can I get the necessary funds to pay the first commission, relying only on the Hive Engine?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
my issue: after providing liquidity you get lp token. Do you earn more lp tokens for providing liquidity or that happens only when you farm?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You earn cub by staking the LP tokens
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta