sbenbow cross-posted this post in LeoFinance 3 years ago

Two Chaos Legion Packs - Was It Worth It?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I am a small fish. I play Splinterlands for fun, and haven't really invested much of my own money into the game. I paid for the spell book, and put in another $5 or so of my own money.

The rest I have obtained either from winning battle, daily quests, or other free online crypto earnings (such as Alien Worlds, or buying/selling cards between the HIVE and WAX networks).

So shelling out $8 for 2 x Chaos Legions packs was a relatively fair amount of investment for me.

Was it worth it?

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Well, not from a financial point of view, but I did have good fun opening the packs, seeing what cards I had, and thinking about how I would be able to use them.

From a financial point of view my $8 returned just $4.55 (based on today's prices).

But I have seen card prices increase dramatically over the last 9 months (roughly how long I have been playing). So I will hodl on to these and hope they also increase in value (probably after all Chaos Legion packs have been sold).

I have found out after playing for a while now that the best thing I can do now is to buy lots of cheap cards in order to get my collection Power Rating higher so I can get to higher leagues without renting as many cards each season.

Good luck in your battles everyone!!!