Business is strictly business (A lesson I learnt in an hard way).

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello dear people of Hive;
This post was written to tell everyone how I got cheated by being too selfless and pitiful towards a business associate.

There’s no pity in business and this is a lesson I really learnt in an hard way.
The way you present yourself and by knowing the quality of the product I produced should have being my pride.


I went job hunting, by making money and getting enough to support my online my bills, savings and Buying Hive. So I learnt wall arts painting.

My Story.
I got my first gig painting a resort that involves Bar and Sports.
Assisting the main artist himself in completing the wall paintings. I was told by the resort owner, I was going to get paid by the artist since he could not get the job finished; he has to pay me for the work. I told the company my price and agreed to pay 30% of the bargain price which was fine my me.
In the process of getting the work done; and being friendly with the artist. He read a false perspective of being needy of the job with him; then used it has an opportunity to cheat me by giving me 4% of my share. Then calmed they haven’t paid him for the job and when I got my research; the resort owner had paid this artist😔. Then later found out he ran off with my gain☹️.

I felt used and cheated. It felt offensive to my reasoning towards being kind to people and friendly.

It hurts so badly because working from home paid more than a strenuous 17hours job for a $4 pay check. Even Hive did better than this within $6 an hours or two in a post.

I would always commend Hive and everyone supportive to the project. It’s a big opportunity and an honor being on this ecosystem. ‘You get what you give’ and it peaceful and the safest flat form. Hive is always paying off with the effort and wisdom used in passing on information.

If I get a labour gig I would accept if it’s worth it. But to live my life a day without Hive wouldn’t happen again. Be expecting @savagetobi buzzing the love of Hive towards everyone. And maintaining my love to those whom knows the worth.

Thank you 😊.