
Hive is a genuine Web3, yet to be known to many out there.

Exactly, and on the outher hand we have a lot to discover also.

You can send sats to a threespeakvideo with the fountain app and the 🏠 ve user posting the video gets the rewards in form of her ve in his hiveaccount. The beauty is that that works over the payout time of 7days.
This is overlooked by so many people for now, but it will be a huge part of threespeak in the future for shure.

That's pretty amazing, I uploaded a video today on threespeak, let see how it works practically, you may send me some sat, for a learning purpose if you may like.

It'd be huge thing for the threespeak users, I didn't know about it.



Add any hive user by adding the rss link would be yourse to the ⛲ n app, then boost and you will recive hive in youre account. I make a short video, you will see.

They have a error on theire site at the moment lol

Errors we need to address on HIVE ASAP

Yes, last week ot worked all fine. I used to send a lot of boosts to taskmaster and the crypromanyacs.

Sure I'll see and do that, thank you 🙏

I try it later again!