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RE: Exciting times for those who don't have bank accounts!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yes, it is very hard for people to ask for help, generally speaking. Though I don't really understand why this should be as I think a lot of us here would take a great amount of pleasure from providing it.

Also just want to say I am not at all against the idea of showing our burden but if you are looking for the best possible energetic response, careful wording is required. For example "I have a bad feeling that it will soon be catastrophic and I will soon be homeless again" could be replaced with "I have a bad feeling but am doing my best to remain positive and look for the lessons this experience is teaching me. I believe I will not be made homeless again."

When I was in rehab for my drug addictions we used to say that sometimes you have to fake it to make it. In other words, just lie! Reality is often insignificant to the truths or lies we tell ourselves every day which always have a cumulative effect.

My good friend @sebcam (who became intentionally homeless to run from one side of America to the other with little more than an a hammock to sleep in) sent me a video recently which highlights this idea in a more creative way. If we can say "good" to whatever is happening and look for the lesson or opportunity which arrises as a consequence, the outcome of the perceived negative event will very likely empower us to do something great.

I know you are disabled so certainly this puts you in a more difficult position than most, but even supposedly permanent disabilities can be overcome with the power of the mind. RJ Spina is the latest person in a long list of people to have done exactly that. If you have time look him up. His story is incredible.

All the best to you my friend and please don't hesitate to contact me directly if the "shit hits the fan" as you put it. I will give what I can.
