Exciting times for those who don't have bank accounts!

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)


It came to my attention this morning that NatWest are now limiting their customer's ability to transfer money from their bank account to crypto exchanges and with everything else going on right now for banks in general (they are collapsing) it seems clear this is nothing more than damage limitation.


All for our own safety of course.

Now where have I heard that one before?


Personally I haven't had a bank account for over five years now, fully aware of what was coming so I have no fear whatsoever of the imminent collapse, but most people are not in the same position as myself. To be fair I have had to set up a Revolut bank account in my partner's name in order to periodically convert crypto to euros and spend it in the usual manner but over the last few years we have moved all our savings to either cash, crypto or selected physical items and we are no longer reliant on the banking system at all to look after our assets.

CBDCs will be presented as the solution to the coming total collapse but the truth is quite the opposite because central bank digital currencies will be tied to their failing counterparts while at the same time trapping people into pre-programmable rules, such as limits on what we can buy and the speed at which we must spend it.

If you are wondering how the Great Reset is going to look for your current bank account, then look no further than the Bank of England who announced last month that "Britons would be limited to 20,000 digital pounds ($24,000) each if the country goes ahead with a digital currency" source

So what happens to the rest of your money if you are lucky enough to have more than this amount in your account at the time of the Great Reset?

Money above the cap would be "swept" into a customer's commercial bank account given that a digital pound would not be a means for storing wealth

Interesting use of wording don't you think? What does "swept" make you think of?


That's right. Rubbish which is no longer required.


While the banks will no doubt assure you that your millions of dollars/pounds/euros (whatever fiat currency you can think of) will be safe in their "customer's commercial bank account" what will you do when all your favourite stores & friends no longer accept the 'old' kind of money?

It is no secret that the days of cash (paper money) will soon be behind us and the only way to spend money will be the digital way.

And this my friends will be the great leveller for rich and poor alike, all of us in the same government controlled boat, paving the way for a new world of total tyranny disguised as our best way out of this shit-storm created by the same people who now seek to profit from it.

Well, I say "all of us" but that's not really true is it.

While the spending power of fiat currencies continues to drop year after year, due to the endless 'printing' of money...


...the king of crypto coins looks rather different.


Yes, it is still young but once you truly understand what it represents, you know it is a safe investment.

It is no coincidence that the biggest spot volume in bitcoin's history happened this month, right alongside all the banking FUD.


The new billionaires will be crypto hodlers, with access to ALL their money at all times, no questions asked. And if they are wise they will be holding coins like Monero which are untraceable, unlike bitcoin which is highly visible to those who seek to tax you for your foresight.

With all of this said, a portion of your assets should also be in a physical form, because the coming advertised cyber attack will likely eliminate the internet for a period of time before it is re-launched anew. This period will be testing for those who believe crypto alone is their way out.

I am of the opinion that you don't actually need money at all. Only knowledge and skills which are relevant to our changing times.

See this post from a few years ago which lists the kind of skills I am talking about.

Okay, I think that's it.

These kind of posts are rare for a reason.

I would much rather be writing about electroculture but in the interest of educating those who still have all their savings in bank accounts (yes mum, I'm talking to you) the above words felt necessary in this moment.

You still have time to get your money out and turn it into something which has genuine value while remaining in control of how you spend it.

But not for long.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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LOL ;)

All unsourced images are made by myself and the midjourney bot or they have come from a private telegram group run by @waykiwayki in which I also found this great short film showing exactly what we can expect in the future.


Do you think people will go along? The French are showing right now that they are ready to burn their own country down ( for way lesser reasons in comparison)

This is indeed something I wish for Germany, but Germans are great in grumbling behind doors but I think if shit is getting real there will be potential too.

I mean I've heard about a big collapse for years( since 2009ish I think) and it didn't came. I am not saying you are not right but I do wonder when it will happen.

Respect for you not having a bank account, that is indeed radical. As I posted some time before I do think of converting some of my savings into crypto but the volatility makes it a risk too.

Difficult decisions to make 🤔

Maybe some hive for starters. Haha
Good luck to us all and hive on ✌️

Do you think people will go along? The French are showing right now that they are ready to burn their own country down ( for way lesser reasons in comparison)

All of this has been anticipated, simulated and planned for. Social credit scores will soon put an end to bad behaviour.

This is indeed something I wish for Germany, but Germans are great in grumbling behind doors but I think if shit is getting real there will be potential too

I feel the same way about the english! They love to suffer in silence while the criminals known as politicians continue to do their thing.

I mean I've heard about a big collapse for years( since 2009ish I think) and it didn't came. I am not saying you are not right but I do wonder when it will happen.

Just like you I've been waiting a long time for this and it is most certainly possible they drag it out for a few years yet. I saw some analysts saying they can't survive more than six months now. Unless they get bailed out by tax payers money...

As I posted some time before I do think of converting some of my savings into crypto but the volatility makes it a risk too.

Not if you find the right coins to invest in. The only risk in my mind is a power or internet outage which would render crypto useless for a period of time. If you keep your money in fiat there is a 100% guarantee it will decline in value over time. Making the risk of crypto an acceptable one for me. At the very least I recommend converting 30% of your assets to crypto. Some safe coins and some wild cards. Yes, we may take another dip from here but hold it long enough and you can only win.

I really hope there will be an uprising if they try to implement some kind of social credits in Europe. I certainly see danger of an Orwellian State, but here in Germany, for example, they tried to create a very bad, centralized Corona App ( when that was a thing) and they couldn't because of Public outcry. In the end it was decentralized and delivered some kind of privacy. I mean that was bad enough as it was but there was a public attention and they couldn't go for it.

And money wise, yes my euros are definitely decaying, thus I am looking for alternatives. I guess I will strengthen my efforts to invest more in crypto.

Well, let's stay on the watch and I hope the best for us!


germans ^^

very appropriate post for what is going on under our noses as we speak.
as of today, a friend could not use her bank card (debit), nor take her cash out, nor access her banks app. that is an ING account in Spain.
I still managed to pay with my card for a crypto exchange about three days ago.
my cash is mostly under my mattress, likely be all gone to pay the mechanic anyway ; )
bought some gold backed XRP and as of today, am now accepting payments in both XRP and XLM on my online store.

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wishing us all a peaceful weekend and a bright future.

as of today, a friend could not use her bank card (debit), nor take her cash out, nor access her banks app. that is an ING account in Spain

Many thanks for the real world update. I think we are going to hear this story more and more. Which is largely why I wrote this post! Though I realise I am mostly preaching to the coir around here. Should probably post this on facebook & twitter.

Good call adding crypto to your payment methods. Over time this will no doubt pay in spades...

Here's to a bright future indeed! I am dreaming of a future without money in which sharing & kindness has replaced competition & capitalism.

Awesome write up!!!!!

Thanks @mammasitta

Good to see you here :)

I see you are using Appics. Do you happen to know who I talk to about getting an email with a special code for the testflight app?

Fantastic, brilliantly crafted article Sam. Some frightening stuff here, particularly the £20k cap on CBDCs and devaluation of commercial bank held assets.

I suppose one way they could get a majority consensus on this is by promising the lower orders of society a boon to the tune of £20k digital for switching to CBDC and the promise of a socialist utopia where everything is even Kiel. People who work hard and survive from month to month are most at risk to this agenda, if that’s how it will play out.

What lies ahead is deeply worrying, we must all be prepared, and need to start building parallel communities to trade and barter amongst ourselves and build common assets. Owning some farmable land and acquiring the skill sets to sustain it are a must.

In the end we will hopefully look back on all this and appreciate it, for the reason that it will force us to exit the system and start building our own. Fate tests those whom she would exalt.

I suppose one way they could get a majority consensus on this is by promising the lower orders of society a boon to the tune of £20k digital for switching to CBDC

Free burgers & doughnuts made people take the jab so you can be sure they will use this trick again.

need to start building parallel communities to trade and barter amongst ourselves and build common assets.

We can do that to a certain extent here on the hive blockchain. Some people run shops, products only available in hive. And don't forget there is no obligation here to reveal your identity, so this is a major plus. If someone runs a HIVE to BTC service here (which I assume they do) you can maintain your anonymity all the way to the bank. So to speak!

Owning some farmable land and acquiring the skill sets to sustain it are a must.

This is the most important skill. We all gotta eat. Partly why I have become obsessed with electroculture ;)

Great seeing you last night buddy. Looking forward to Tuesday!

I believe that paper notes will be the last of the things to fall.

People will still accept paper notes for a while after banks collapse.
It is just ingrained in people to accept them.

And in that small, in between time,
some guy, in a fedora, a trench coat and glasses with tape on them
will be standing around street corners offering to exchange 1 satoshi for 1 dollar.

look into 20s/30s germany ok?

Yes you should look into 20s Germany.

There is a time before the hyperinflation and a time after the bank runs start.

The problem is in that we do not accept gold and silver as money for purchases in the west anymore.
In Germany, all the people who were seeing what was happening where shifting to other currencies.
This time it is not one country, but all countries. (except maybe Russia)

people will be forced to adapt
or they will only see everything crumble in their hands

people now already accept a lot else than only notes
some even beg to abolish notes
we are still before hyperinflation

probably also a reason why we wont go the hyperinflation route again

I believe that paper notes will be the last of the things to fall.

Agreed. Though with hyperinflation, how many notes will a person need to buy a loaf of bread in the future?

Love the taped glasses fedora trench coat guy! 1sat for $1 sounds like the kind of exchange I can live with :)

Very nice film! Hope he could escape to safety and join other rebels.

I like to imagine he made it out ;)

Am pretty sure that was the intention of the film makers.

I love the way they worked backwards to explain why he was incarcerated.

He went willingly. Just like everyone else.

Yup! Like most of my friends whom I had warned about the poisonous vaxx. They went to get their jabs and now they knew they made wrong decisions. But some still had not the courage to ask for detox information.

The ego controls most of us so strongly these days, without us even having awareness of it. Perhaps they imagine they already know how to detox themselves sufficiently? I heard urine therapy was a good way but I can't see too many people being brave enough to take that route! Personally I drink my pee every morning. I also drink the children's sometimes ;)

Several years ago, this was a rage in Thailand. Some Indian people have been doing this for ages here. There’s a community of Thai people who also practice this.
I suppose people who practice this should have their diets unadulterated by chemical pills and vitamins. The input of daily food should be natural ingredients. But most people take all kinds of vitamins and supplements which could interfere with the output from the body. People who have chemo should be fully laden with toxic chemicals which could interfere with the healing process.

100%. People with toxic bodies should not be doing urine therapy. A friend of mine in the UK did a 30 day fast drinking only his pee, with no other food or drinks. Looping he called it. If you pee it out, you drink it back in. Needless to say he cured himself of a bunch of problems, changed his life completely as a consequence and now lectures around the world on urine therapy.

Wow! This is amazing story. I hope there would be some scientific papers that support this so more people would be willing to experiment.

Love & Light my friend, great post/words!👍 Let's be/stay aware...

Exactly right. No need to panic. We just be/stay aware :)

Thanks for the check-in!

I trust everything is rocking in your world.

i actually owe the banks money, it would be good if they speed up crashing.

You and me both brother ;)

I say I've not had a bank account for years but what I really mean is I (supposedly) owed them a ton of money which I wasn't interested to pay pack, so they kicked me out. And my life has been brilliant since then!

Not long now and this house of cards will fall...

I just read your post and tipped you 10 hive. Know it isn't much but will help a lot more in the future if you are able to keep it there. It must be extremely hard but try to remain positive, even with your words, which are arrows into the infinity destined only to come right back at us. You will find a way to avoid becoming homeless. And if you need it, don't be shy to write a more direct post asking for the help of the community. We are a family here. Well, that's what I believe anyway.

damn, thank you so much, brother :) <3 !

I am doing my best

still do not have my access/ money back
every little bit helps me (us)

I will try to not have to power down and payout again
I've just reached dolphin (again)

but if shit hits the fan, I'll powerdown again
but then wont only use it to survive but to do a whole new start/ beginning this time
and yes, I will ask the community for help
even though I do not like to do so

thank you and sorry for showing my burden

Yes, it is very hard for people to ask for help, generally speaking. Though I don't really understand why this should be as I think a lot of us here would take a great amount of pleasure from providing it.

Also just want to say I am not at all against the idea of showing our burden but if you are looking for the best possible energetic response, careful wording is required. For example "I have a bad feeling that it will soon be catastrophic and I will soon be homeless again" could be replaced with "I have a bad feeling but am doing my best to remain positive and look for the lessons this experience is teaching me. I believe I will not be made homeless again."

When I was in rehab for my drug addictions we used to say that sometimes you have to fake it to make it. In other words, just lie! Reality is often insignificant to the truths or lies we tell ourselves every day which always have a cumulative effect.

My good friend @sebcam (who became intentionally homeless to run from one side of America to the other with little more than an a hammock to sleep in) sent me a video recently which highlights this idea in a more creative way. If we can say "good" to whatever is happening and look for the lesson or opportunity which arrises as a consequence, the outcome of the perceived negative event will very likely empower us to do something great.

I know you are disabled so certainly this puts you in a more difficult position than most, but even supposedly permanent disabilities can be overcome with the power of the mind. RJ Spina is the latest person in a long list of people to have done exactly that. If you have time look him up. His story is incredible.

All the best to you my friend and please don't hesitate to contact me directly if the "shit hits the fan" as you put it. I will give what I can.


Hey cuddlekitten! Don't suppose you have a bank account either? Good for you ;)