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RE: Overly self-rewarded

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Well ,In my opinion it all boils down Two types of Rewards. Money or Kind. money in the sense that you reward yourself and people around you by doing things money can afford and like you said and i agree.

it is a responsibility in many cases and for example, looking after my family and doing things for them is just part and parcel of having a family. This activity isn't selfless, there is a return and the "happy wife, happy life" statement implies reward already.

2nd "Being An act of kindness* This to me doesn't have to be for the rich or for the poor and to me it entails that joy from within which i consider as the best reward. People can't buy such feeling an act of kindness give.
So I personally reward myself and others in Kind.

PS : I didn't mean to write this much😄


But it is reward none the less. The reason that people enjoy the reward, is the feeling they get from receiving it. It is also why they buy themselves things as rewards, the feeling. The feeling from giving or receiving acts of kindness are a feeling too . It is all about the feelings involved, not the form the reward takes.

What is an act of kind and can you evaluate its impact?

PS : I didn't mean to write this much

This is one of the shorter comments I tend to receive :)

According to the dictionary ...
Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. but I feel kindness is more than that and it's so inpactful.
Kindness can be letting a stranger go in front you in the line,lending an helping hand,even to picking up the trash in the neighbourhood. When we practice random acts of kindness, It releases positivity,We feel better and the recipients of our acts feel better, which then makes them more likely to be kind to other people. ... Kindness reduces stress. kindness boost feelings of confidence.We are humans, and therefore, we make mistakes,We can be kind in our response to ourselves and others when those mistakes occur and be forgiving.
I can write a whole post about kindness and it's impact to oneself, to others and to the society At large.

I know what kindness is and what are acts of kindness and how it can influence feelings, but my question is, how to evaluate it.

I don't think i can evaluate it, I just can't assess it. If i try,i would say kindness can be measured by the lack of aggressive behaviour and i can only think of evaluating kindness to peace.