

Some people will think that I don't know what I am saying because what we are doing here is blogging. I still want to improve and do it better. My posts and threads became viral and educating. many things still to learn


Ability to write is God-given skill and needed to be improve. Have a great topics, knowing the best style and platform to present them. Great set of words, not to offend but impress them with the message.


#hive #threads

Hmm I've never really thought of that before, will have to think this one out

Many don't have it in writing but keep improving themselves.


I have an interest in sketching but still amateur. Look at my artwork. You will notice the passion so I want to do more.


#hive #threads


I am a good speaker with repute but tend to be shy about this so that will not be embarrassed. But really want to do it. I will surely try it and improve so be ready to laugh


#hive #leo

Marketing. Above all, you have to learn the art of selling.

Thats right. I need that skill enhanced.