01/11/2022. First meet-ups for friends all over Nigeria. Though we were strangers and people from diverse background, ethnicity and Language, we were united and discuss about one goal - Hive #crossculture
01/11/2022. First meet-ups for friends all over Nigeria. Though we were strangers and people from diverse background, ethnicity and Language, we were united and discuss about one goal - Hive #crossculture
I love spending time with friend and I do feel like not leaving them but we all have to leave 😅. Looks like you guys are having fun together !
Yes. We discuss and was helped on Hive. We become friends and engage with others fully
that’s great 😇 hope the friendship stays forever 💖
we are taking about a hive meetup in Tokyo though not finalized. It may only be 4 people as well but still worth doing!