How To Save Pocket Money From School Days

in LeoFinancelast year

Hello Leo Warriors,

I hope all of you are well and spent your daily life with full of craziness. From Today at 5:0 am (Indian time) a new interesting quest started on zealy. In this quest Sir @anomadsoul divided all participants into three Different Lion Army Groups which are - #blacklions, #brownlions, #whitelions and he game the quest name The Battle of the Three Armies. I am at the Black-lion group and lead the quest till now. I hope My group will be the one to take down other groups..

On today's blog I am going to discuss on How to Save pocket money or The process of saving pocket money.. So let's jump into today's topic:-

How To Save Pocket Money From School Days.gif

I Am Using Canva To Make This Gif


Pocket money refers to a small amount of money given regularly to an individual, typically a child or teenager, by their parents or guardians. It is meant to be used for personal expenses, discretionary spending, and learning about financial responsibility. Pocket money is often provided on a weekly or monthly basis and allows young individuals to make independent choices about how they spend or save the money within certain guidelines or limitations.

The term pocket money originated in the United Kingdom and is commonly used in British English. The word "pocket" refers to a small pouch or compartment in clothing where items can be carried, while money refers to currency or cash. The phrase pocket money suggests the idea of money that is meant to be carried in one's pocket and used for personal expenses. Over time, the term has become widely used and understood to refer to a small allowance given to children or teenagers for their personal use..


Why saving pocket money is important for young generation ::

Saving pocket money is crucial for the young generation as it empowers them to take control of their financial future. By saving a portion of their income, young individuals can save pocket money by helps cultivate a habit of disciplined spending and saving. It encourages young people to think critically about their financial decisions and differentiate between wants and needs.

  • Build an Emergency Fund : Having savings provides a safety net for unexpected expenses or emergencies. It allows young individuals to handle unforeseen circumstances without relying on external support or resorting to high-interest loans. I have faced so many worried situation when I was child especially money reason and that's why I always prepared myself for the worst.
  • Achieve Future Goals : Saving money from a young age enables individuals to work towards their aspirations and long-term goals. Whether it's funding higher education, traveling, starting a business, or buying a home, having savings provides the necessary financial resources to make those dreams a reality. In my case I save my whole pocket money for a travel. I made a challenge to myself to visit all the counties across globe.

  • Foster Independence : As Usual saving pocket money instills a sense of independence and self-reliance. It empowers young individuals to make financial decisions autonomously and reduces dependence on others for financial support.

  • Best Way To Learn Financial Management : Saving money provides an opportunity for young people to learn essential financial management skills. They can track their expenses, create budgets, and understand the value of money, setting a solid foundation for future financial success. It also trained us for the worst condition.


How to Save pocket money From School Days ::

Develop Long-Term Financial Security: Saving pocket money early on builds a foundation for long-term financial security. It helps create a habit of saving and investing, which can lead to wealth accumulation, financial stability, and a comfortable future.

  • Prioritize Your Expenses :

Identify your essential expenses, such as transportation, study materials, and basic necessities. Allocate a portion of your pocket money for these expenses first before considering discretionary spending.

  • Create a Budget :
    Establish a budget that outlines your income and expenses while studying. Determine how much you can afford to save from your pocket money each week or month and stick to it.

  • Reduce Non-Essential Expenses :
    Cut back on non-essential expenses such as eating out, entertainment, or unnecessary purchases. Consider more cost-effective alternatives, like cooking at home instead of eating out or finding free or low-cost entertainment options.

  • Borrow or Rent Study Materials :

Instead of purchasing expensive textbooks or study resources, explore options to borrow them from libraries, classmates, or online platforms. You can also consider renting textbooks, which can be more affordable than buying them.

  • Utilize Student Discounts :

Take advantage of student discounts available for various services and products. Many retailers, entertainment venues, and online platforms offer discounts specifically for students. Always carry your student ID card to avail of these benefits.

  • Plan Your Meals :

Plan your meals in advance to avoid unnecessary spending on takeaways or fast food. Cook your meals at home, pack lunches, and bring snacks from home. This will not only save money but also promote healthier eating habits.

  • Use Public Transportation or Carpool :

If possible, utilize public transportation instead of spending money on fuel or vehicle maintenance. If you have classmates or friends who live nearby, consider carpooling to share transportation costs.

  • Minimize Impulse Buying :

Avoid impulsive purchases by making a shopping list before heading to the store. Stick to your list and give yourself time to consider whether you really need an item before buying it.

  • Earn Money Through Part-Time Jobs :

Consider taking up part-time jobs or freelancing gigs to earn extra income while studying. This can help supplement your pocket money and provide additional funds for saving. Frankly I am doing Blogs on Hive and withdrawal a little bit when it's tough time.

  • Save on Utilities :

Be mindful of your utility usage to save on bills. Turn off lights when not in use, unplug electronics when not needed, and regulate heating or cooling to conserve energy. Small changes in your habits can lead to noticeable savings.

There is a quote in our Army, they always say - Wish for the best and prepare for the worst

  • Take Advantage of Free Resources :

Seek out free resources and opportunities related to your studies. Use the library for research materials, attend free seminars or workshops, and explore open educational resources available online.

  • Avoid Excessive Socializing Expenses:

While it's important to have a social life, be conscious of your spending during outings with friends. Look for free or low-cost activities like picnics in the park, game nights at home, or exploring free community events.

  • Stay Focused on Your Goals:

Keep your long-term goals in mind to stay motivated. Remind yourself of the benefits of saving money while studying, such as financial security, reduced stress, and future opportunities.

  • Seek Financial Assistance or Scholarships:

Explore opportunities for financial assistance, such as scholarships, grants, or bursaries. Research and apply for programs that can help alleviate your financial burden while studying.


Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Great post @sabujdip.
This is quite enlighten.

Thanks for reading My post..



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