A bank account helps but is just the bare minimum. That doesnt really help to generate wealth, either for individuals or an economy. It is the ability to access financial services that makes the difference.
Ai is a closed system for the moment. That is why it is crucial to start building the data on blockchain and the algos to read it. We need our own machine learning engines.
No doubt.
A bank account helps but is just the bare minimum. That doesnt really help to generate wealth, either for individuals or an economy. It is the ability to access financial services that makes the difference.
Funny that AI did not include access to financial services as a key in wealth generation. I love the inclusion of social capital though.
Ai is a closed system for the moment. That is why it is crucial to start building the data on blockchain and the algos to read it. We need our own machine learning engines.
Yeah, I agree with that. Though I find AI fast and impressive, I consider the insights we have here at Hive as rare and solid.
It all feeds in. By sharing more insights, it makes the algos smarter. As we can see from ChatGPT, it is picked up on.
Thanks TM.