Reading this kind of news, my sentiment is divided. I don't know if I will be happy or sad. I don't like politicians who interfere in people's creative initiatives, but I like to see politicians who help provide the kind of environment for people’s initiative to thrive. This latter kind of political animal is very rare in our time. I remember an article published on Freeman some time in 2012 describing some of the attributes of this kind of politician. Paraphrasing its content, this is the kind of politician lovers of freedom long to see: a politician whose ultimate loyalty is not to the party, but to the country; a politician who will stand on the basis of principle not on what is popular; a politician who is free from double talk just to gain a popular support; a politician who does not degrade, but elevates public discussion; a politician that does not instigate hostility among social classes causing division among the people; and finally, a politician who measures his success in office not by the number of laws he made, but by the number of laws he repealed or vetoed.
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