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RE: Power sells

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I thought cognitive dissonance was something along the lines of holding conflicting beliefs or saying one thing but doing another? Or was that an example of cognitive dissonance?

I feel cognitively dissonant now XD


I never remember the term... I googled it now to find out for sure:
"disfluency interventions"

Here is an abstract of one of the studies:'hard%20to%20read'%20fonts%20may%20increase%20reading%20retention,-by%20Bob%20Yirka&text=(Medical%20Xpress)%20%2D%2D%20Researchers%20from,harder%20to%20read%20are%20used.

Seems kind of like trying to use writing to make adhd kids slow their brains down and develop their memory skills (need to keep the thought in the head long enough to come out the pen).

Probably works just about as well too (will be amazing for some and annoying as all hell for others XD).